Whats an underrated bow?

I'll add Mathews Halon 32 (6 or 7) to the mix.

They got a reputation for being "top heavy", which keeps prices down I think on the used market but makes them a great value.

The "top heavy" reputation makes sense considering most guys weren't adding much in the way of stabilizers -- maybe just a 6" rubber thing on the end that's not even a real stabilizer. There's a way to fix the balance.

Rig a Halon 32 with a legitimate front/back bar combo, weight and balance it appropriately, and that bow sits in your hand like a rock. This setup works for other Mathews bows accused of being top heavy. (For example: 15" front bar with 3 oz + 10" back bar with 13 oz is what balanced on mine). A hunter class setup might be 12" front / 8" rear.

Oh, some people don't like the grip. Well, you can either 1) shoot off the riser with tape or 2) get an aftermarket grip from HDA, Shrewd, Ultraview (the Jesse Broadwater one), Torqueless, etc.

I have a Halon 32 as a backup and actually shoot a Halon X Comp as my main hunting bow now since it fits my 31.5" draw a little better. Having the same platform, cam feel, and grip interface on both bows is really nice. Not a lot of feel adjustment moving back and forth.

Oh -- the 75% rock mods on these Mathews crosscentric cams turns them into totally different bows. Smooth to draw and let down and zippy off the string. Maybe not everyone's style for a hunting rig, but a pleasure to shoot. If you want 85%, that's an option too.
Any Elite pre 2016. Before 2017, all elite models warranty transfered between owners, I think it was 2017 when they switched it. I still shoot an Energy 32, awesome bow and they can be found for sub $400 bare bow (one in classified section now) Components (limbs, modules, etc) are still available too and you can use a pocket press without voiding warranty to save $$ on tuning and for field repairs.
Put me down as another hoyt Nitrum fan. Still haven’t shot a bow that’s impressed me enough to switch
I think some of the most underrated bows are those bows of the past. I have two 2006 Bowtech Old Glory's (only because of my long draw length.....otherwise I'd have the Allegiance). They shoot within 10fps of my PSE Freak, so speed isn't an issue. The only difference is how they feel, but performance wise they work just as well.....and those bows were built with durability in mind. When I hunt in some places, I take my Old Glory because it can take some abuse.
I have an '05 PSE Typhoon that I love. It's quiet and shoots great.

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2012 PSE Stinger 3G. Actually shooting this right now in 3D. For the $300 I paid for it, this bow is amazing. Bowtech Assasin is another good one.
Mathews Chill R, good specs and can get new cams easily from Mathews.

Absolutely. These are often on sale for screaming good prices and are a little bit lighter than the Halon series and after bows from Mathews. I shot a Chill-R for a while and would still have it rigged up for a light, mean, mountain bow but I extended my draw length to 31.5" and this bow did not work.

Chill-X would be a cool option as well if you can find them.

A benefit to the Chill series and after is that they can be tuned with top hats and have a ton of aftermarket grip accessories to make these bows shine.
I just picked up a new in the box Hoyt helix turbo for $650 shipped to the house. It’s a little over your price range but not too far. They are on eBay right now the same guy has been selling two at a time for a couple weeks now.
2012 PSE Stinger 3G. Actually shooting this right now in 3D. For the $300 I paid for it, this bow is amazing. Bowtech Assasin is another good one.
A couple of years late, but was your stinger jumpy? Mine really wants to lunge forward once I get to the back wall. My shop just says it's a PSE thing, but I've shot others that didn't have that issue.
I'd throw in a bowtech revolt x, the OG one 33 in ATA. Easily the best tuning system to use without a press, roating mods, smooth, adjustable grips, flip disc, it's got a lot going for it. It's pretty sweet and I think it can be had in your price range for sure. I kept the one I had as a backup, then sold my primary bow just recently and just have been shooting it.
I have an older gentlemen friend who has been hunting longer then I've been alive and is an absolute killer. He has a few top tier bows on his garage but He swears by his Bear Kuma.
hoyt torrex budget bow, that 14 years ago would’ve been a flagship 🤙🏽