Gonna throw out a little background on my wife and handguns. She’s always gone hunting with me but until 4yrs ago but wasn’t that interested in pistols. My wife, daughter and granddaughters were shopping at a mall in California, they were in separate cars but parked next to each other. As they were leaving my wife noticed a young man behind them and another in front, earlier the two had been together. At first it didn’t register, then as she opened her door and my daughter was opening the door for the kids the two guys started toward them. I keep a pistol in the console of my cars and my wife knew that, however she wasn’t familiar with how it operated. When she saw those guys coming she made sure they saw her pull out the gun and put it on the dash. They split, quickly in opposite directions. As a retired LEO she was familiar with revolvers so her first handguns was a hammer less 38 cal., but she wanted to be able to use my Springfield XD40. Of course it was too big and too much recoil for her to be comfortable so we went shopping. After handling every small framed pistol in the store she settled on a Sig P238 380, partly because she could operate it easily and partly because it was pretty (it was the one with fancy scrolling and stainless). She got this new one because I was getting a 9mm and she thought it was a good idea to have a little more power than her 380, and we can share the same ammo. Her 380 is her CC, the 9 will be her car backup.
I think I’ve taught her too well.