What would you do with your dream Tag


Nov 28, 2016
Now the preference point thread inspired me (I know this is a thread that was inspired by a thread that was inspired by a thread), but I must ask, say this is the year you do draw that tag you never dreamt of drawing?

Would you dip into savings and get a guide? Take temporary leave from work and scout non stop? Or would you treat it like a run of the mill otc cow elk hunt and show up the day before the season opens and give it a go from your camper?

Me personally, I'm young and just took a job of a lifetime, I can't afford to take temporary leave, so I would probably have to save up all year eating ramen and bread,
and still dip into savings to hire a guide.

And if my girlfriend hasn't left me by then I'd consider using a full curl horn in lieu of a silver band for her lmao

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I pull a sheep tag I take my bow hunt the season till it’s filled. Just me.
i honestly dont put in unless i can handle the cost if i win. at this point, if i ever hail-mary and put in for a hunt outside my comfort zone in terms of cost and work - that's the damn tag i will draw.
I actually went back to a job recently mostly for the schedule, Im taking a pay cut for probably a year though my insurance should be better and cost less so it may even out. However the job itself is work 8 days straight have 6 days off and if I draw a good tag I will use every ounce of my vacation to take over a month off. if I draw just my standard tags ill use vacation to take a few extra days off for a few separate hunts and family stuff.

I think how you approach the hunt changes the outcome of it as much as anything. If I draw a sheep tag and show up 2 days before the hunt Ill be impressed if I get a legal ram. If I come at it with weeks of online scouting, a few in person trips and 20 days to get it done my expectations will be much higher than "just a legal ram", on top of that my knowledge and time will lend to my ability to get something greater than "just legal".

Edit: As for the guide thing, I know I cant afford those bills. I'll substitute money with hard driven time and prep but Im planning for that long before I even look for a tag to apply for.
I drew my dream tag in 2014 in an archery elk unit. I went down 4 days early to scout and hunted every day of the 8 day season. It was the most incredible hunting trip I’ve ever done in my life. I ate my tag and have zero regrets. For me, a guide would have cheapened the experience even though my chance of success would have been higher. I’ll apply for that tag every year for the rest of my hunting life, but doubt I’ll ever draw it again. Wouldn’t change a thing besides the one little twig in between me and a 360” bull who was standing broadside at 23 yards.
A special type 1 tag in my home state for Elk. Okay in all seriousness my dream is to get a bighorn tag or mtn goat before my dad can’t do those types of hunts anymore.
My dream tag would be a great archery elk tag, like 61 in Colorado or one of the Arizona units I put in for, maybe a Gila tag too. A moose or sheep tag sounds cool but elk just get me going like nothing else. I would take two weeks off of work to hunt it and promise my wife whatever I had to in order to make it happen.
I suppose I would treat it like most of the tags I get. Scout the area via google earth and the Colorado Hunting Atlas (assuming it's in CO). Then put boots on the ground in those areas during the summer and have potential camp locations gps'd. Then take off as much time as possible from work and go for it. The whole process of scouting/hunting its what I enjoy. If I had to pick a specific tag, it would be a sheep or moose tag here in CO.
I would love to take the entire season off of work, and a couple weeks in the summer to scout. I hate the idea of ever using a guide for anything but for this hunt I may use an outfitter to get me in and set up a drop camp. The hunting would be done with my son.

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I would take all of my vacation at once to get a 42 day window to hunt. I would also take my family on vacation prior to season close to where I drew the tag and turn that trip into a scouting trip. I'm not sure on the guide part. I guess the scouting sessions would help determine that.
That's where a hunting plan comes into play.....all the guys I help build a profile for, you don't make a plan a year at a time.....you should be making a yearly plan on top of a 3-5yr plan and also a 10yr plan.....then you can tweak them a bit as life changes throughout the years ahead. Planning is a great first step for preparing for that dream hunt!!

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That's where a hunting plan comes into play.....all the guys I help build a profile for, you don't make a plan a year at a time.....you should be making a yearly plan on top of a 3-5yr plan and also a 10yr plan.....then you can tweak them a bit as life changes throughout the years ahead. Planning is a great first step for preparing for that dream hunt!!

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I don't think any non resident ever plans on drawing a sheep tag

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I would sell the tag to the highest bidder and fund all my hunts for years, I actually would if it were legal! Otherwise I would spend as much time as possible hunting and scouting.

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