What went wrong on my shot?

Were you in a tree or on the ground? I see white hair on your arrow. If you hit vitals, that arrow would be covered in blood. They can get cleaned off depending on exit but my first impression wouldn't have been good if I was in your shoes seeing that arrow. Kinda thinking you hit low. It sucks but it gets better. Keep at it!
I was on the ground. Yeah, looking at pictures of other peoples arrows the amount of blood is drastically different!
Pretty obvious you were too far forward. Think of the animal as a wine barrel. If the goodies are inside that how would you aim? You need to pass through the vitals and not shoot the place where they’d be if broadside. All angles change that. If you’re aiming for the far shoulder not the near shoulder you’d be better off
It is a diff way to think but aim for the exit. Where do you want the arrow or bullet to exit? That should help with hitting the internal goodies.

OP - I had the reverse shot happen couple years ago - was taking a frontal quartering shot at 16 yards and deer dipped, arrow went between shoulder and ribs - sparse blood trail for 1/4 mile the the deer started browsing and we lost the trail. Go figure.