What rest?

Tony Trietch

Part Time Bow Hiker
Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Northern MI, USA
Ended up getting a hamskea, ran it off bottom limb. Thanks for replies

I think you will like it. The TT Smackdown has been my choice of rest for a few years but this year I switched to the Hamskea and it is silly how well made this thing is. I really like the TT, as it is also made very well with no plastic. There are few options that I like for rests out there (hate plastic parts) but these two and the Vapor Trail LD are great options.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
I've had a TT Pronghorn, Limbdriver, Limbdriver Pro V, Octane Tripwire, and Hamskea. I still have the original Limbdriver on my 60lb bow, but every one of the limb driven rests that I've put on my 70lb bow has had issues. I think it has something to do with my 32 1/2" draw and the heavy snap back of the limbs on the rest. So trying a QAD now and I'll see how that works.


Feb 15, 2015
I liked my ripcord. I was happy with my qad. I think I would give up bow hunting if I couldn't use a pro v limb driver


Sep 11, 2013
Axiom Pulse here. solid rest.

so easy to set up. but i'd be lying if i said i didnt want to try an Hamskea. i'd love to add the overdraw.
Jan 3, 2015
Lakewood CO
Been using the hamskea versa full capture and have loved it. Switched from the QAD cause I wanted a more durable limb driven rest. Both have been great but the hamskea is a much more solid build and can handle the beating I give it when backpacking

Matt W.

Super Moderator
Staff member
Mar 2, 2012
Puerto Rico
Does anyone know of a slow motion video that show the Hamskea in action? I've used the Limbdriver Pro V, the Ripcord, and the QAD HDx. Still not sure which one I like the best.
Broken Compass
Mar 30, 2012
I debated wether I needed the containment ring or not, I didn't see the need for it because its not like it holds the arrow tight like a whisker biscuit would or even like a qad or something, but I guess that's not its purpose its probably more for keeping your arrow from jumping off the launcher when you draw. Which I don't see as a problem especially in limb mode. Having said that I bought the full containment version because I was told the containment ring could not be added afterwards if I decided I want it. I would have to get a whole new rest.
So far I love it, I put a dozen or so arrows through it at the bow shop just to make sure everything was working properly when I got home I was showing it off to my brother and he noticed the screws that hold the launcher on we're loose and the launcher was flopping around, didn't make me very happy but I realized this was the shops fault not the rests. The next day After putting 20ish arrows through it the corner of the launcher was contacting my hand when I would shoot (I have the big wide whale tale looking launcher on it, it comes with like 4 different ones) I thought it just needed adjusted because it was jerking down too hard or something. Well the next shot it slammed all the way down like launcher pointing straight down and slack in the cord. This really made me mad as I thought my 200 dollar rest just broke, after inspection I realized the launcher stop screw had backed out, again the techs fault not the rests. So I pushed it back up and tightened ALL the screws on the rest and it has worked flawlessly since. However later that day the set screw for my string stop must have loosened because when I put my bow away the string stop was pushed into the riser so the stop was two inches from the string! So not real happy with the shop but I am over it. Just another reason to learn how to do it myself.
A few questions for you guys that know the hamskea....the rest only came with a clamp for split limbs so he just tied around the back of the limb where it splits for the cam. He used an adhesive kinda grove thing to keep it from moving like comes with the trophy takers maybe. So there is no spring attached to the end like I have seen on other hamskeas and in the instructions, is this ok? Also he replaced the cord with d-loop material because he said he broke the cord it came with a few times while he was tuning it, is this ok? Or should I order the solid limb attachment with the spring and use their supplied cord?
I know it sounds like the rest has a lot of problems but when I bought it he told me he had never sold one or set one up before so it was more that than anything. The only complaint I have with the rest so far is you can't lift the launcher up without drawing the bow like to check vane clearance when you have your sight cranked way down there, or to look at how your pins line up with your string and arrow tip at static.
So a week later I bought a left handed one for my wife's new bow that we are just starting to put together, well upon closer inspection I am pretty sure the containment ring can be added as an afterthought hers is a non containment because they didn't have one in left hand. But it has the same holes where mine is mounted. Too bad I don't think I can take the ring off mine and put on hers because I think you need a left hand specific ring.
Also would like to see some pictures of what you guys are doing on your risers for silencing. I wish I had the rubber like a Hoyt. Felt seems to get fuzzy and ugly. Debating on putting on the arrow holder it comes with because of clearance, but it should be fine (another thing I could easily check if I could set my launcher in the shooting position with the bow at static).
Thanks again for the response
Feb 25, 2012
I think you want that spring. Otherwise the rest takes the full force of the now heavier D loop material. That force is why I moved away from limb driven TT rests. The QAD isn't for all but I like how easy I can check my X and Y. The AAE would most likely be on my bow if their limb clamp worked without jury rigging (pronounced cobbled).


Sep 11, 2013
That Dudley guy on that TV show Nock-On has the coolest trick in tying the cord to a limb. He uses the smallest limbsaver cushion. He sliced a notch in it to tie the cord in. Bet it is on YouTube.
Broken Compass
Mar 30, 2012
Ya I've seen how he does it. Pretty much the same way mine is except instead of a mini limb saver it's just a rubber notch.
So I called hamskea today and found out a few things he told me it will work fine the way it is with no spring and d loop material instead of their supplied cord, but d loop cord will stretch without the spring attached to the end, so they recommend using the spring for that and to manage bounce back and it is just easier on the rest. He said a lot of guys are using bow fishing line which is kinda in the middle of d loop and their supplied halo cord. Or have a piece of bow sting built to match your custom strings with a serving loop on the end so you can twist up or down to tune rest tension its a cool idea but loosening the screw and pulling more tension seems easier to me plus d loop comes in colors.
On the containment ring topic, the containment setup is designed to use a different launcher that is as wide as the ring so no matter where your arrow is in the ring it gets picked up at draw. The containment launcher comes up farther than the other launchers at a more straight up angle so it must be a shorter arm I'm assuming, so there is a up stop screw that needs switched out between containment launcher and other launchers. I think I might take off my ring and put on the contoured launcher, I've never needed it before and it makes loading an arrow more of a hassle.