If you're just shy in bag capacity there are add on pockets you can buy. Just don't buy a 2200 ci bag and try making it a 6000ci with a bunch of additional side pockets. For your future elk trip you might want to error on having a bigger bag vs too small. Most people starting out don't buy the most compact sleep system. You might need more space than someone who has spent years dialing in ultralight ultra compact gear.
Frame height is critical to get proper load lift. This is in relation to your torso length but not necessarily your height. I'm sure others can explain it better than I.
FWIW: I am a novice, first year hunting out west. I have just recently went through the same process that you are going through. In the long run of things, I knew I would be backpack backcountry hunting, a lot. I wanted a frame that I could carry well over 100#s and the pack would NOT hinder my ability. The bag wasn't terribly important to me at that point. I chose a Kifaru 26" frame based on my build and my needs. I am extremely glad I did, because it is very comfortable at all weights, up to 150#.
Then I needed a bag, and versatility was my goal. I ended up with a Kifaru Cargo Panel with a Camp Bag and a few pockets. I've packed it with enough gear for 14 days, and it fits everything VERY well. I wanted the cargo panel for hauling weight in the offseason and it seemed simple for carrying meat. I love it and I leave for my first hunt with it, so we will see how it works out, I have very high hopes.
I borrowed a friends Exo and it doesn't even compare.. I like versatility and customization. Plus, the frame size couldn't fit really well on me.
After looking at a bunch of different suggested packs online the last few days, I think I've settled on what I want to do.
I'm looking at going with the kifaru cargo panel, adding a guide lid and a medium pocket. I feel like this will give me the versatility of having enough room for a day pack or even light overnight trips as well as the ability to haul meat, treeestands or whatever else I feel like. Then later I can add a different bag of I get into doing more extended trips. Any issues with this set up?
Another question is because I'll be buying used, I see some of the older kifaru frames up for sale like the bikini and such. Will all the frames work with the cargo panel or is one type of frame preferred over the other?
I'm assuming I probably want a 26" frame for the load lifters, but should I get a medium or small belt? I'm a 34" waist right now, but I've put on a few pounds I need to lose. Thanks again for all the help.
No problem with that plan for the cargo panel. All Kifaru products are cross compatible with very few exceptions.
The Bikini frame wasn't really designed for carrying weights over 80lbs, so as a versatile future-proof option it is probably not the best solution. The old gen 2 and gen 1 duplex will work great; they aren't quite as comfortable as the new ones under light loads, but they are still great. The only major problem with the older Duplex frame is the buckle right behind the shoulder can poke you in the back if you're tall enough. At 5'11" you shouldn't have any issues unless you have short legs and a long torso. Depending on what sort of deals you're seeing on older frames you may consider an ultralight frame because you can add stays later as money comes available.
26" frame should be right unless you have 34" or longer inseam, then you may consider a 24" frame. You really should measure your torso length to know for sure. 34" is pretty borderline for belts. I'm 36-38" waist and can wear both a medium or large.