What is the latest you've seen the rut go?


Feb 1, 2019
Just love being in the woods....Im still using a cow call. How late in the season have you seen bulls respond (rut)? Season ends the 18th where I am (archery)
Mid November also. I've found my area peaks about the 18th of September. Add two cycles to that and you can mathematically conclude when you have potential. Age class, population and pressure can obviously affect this.
I generally don't "see" the rut take place much.......pretty sure that's all happening at night in most cases from my experience. But I've had bulls respond as late as November, and as early as June.
I've called in a bull from more than a mile away during second rifle. He already had cows and was bugling the whole way in. Funny thing is that I was just chilling out, bored and messing around so I decided to call a bit and I had a buddy up in front of me about a quarter mile that shot the bull.
We usually have lots of bugling in the first week or two of October. By the last week they're usually pretty quiet.

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Arizona late bull hunt 2006, Thanksgiving Day.
There was a meadow about 3 miles in we had decent bulls in every evening. Go figure the last day of the hunt...Thanksgiving Day there wasn’t a bull to be found. Finally with about 15 minutes of daylight left across the meadow comes a freight train of cows single file line into the meadow crushing our hopes of a bull. Just then a bull ripped out a scream and broke the tree line right on the tail end of them cows. It was the only “rut” action we saw on the hunt. Woulda been cool to watch him and see what he was doing with the cows but needed to take what opportunity we had.
Two years in a row, I had a herd bull bugling during the western WA rifle hunt in the first week of November. The first year, when I heard it, my first thought was "why is anybody blowing a bugle in November". It sounded like the source of the bugles were in the general direction I was heading, so you can imagine my surprise when I got to a point where I saw the bull and his cows, but was unable to get a shot at the bull. The next year, I was hunting in the same general area when I heard a bull bugle early opening morning. Having learned my lesson the previous year, I quickly made a bee-line to the sound of the bull. I spotted the 6 point bull and about 6 cows making their way across a small meadow, but did not have a clear shot from where I was. I quickly checked the wind and attempted to circle around the meadow to catch them on the other side. As I was making my way quietly but quickly through the trees, I was focusing too much on the bull and his cows and did not see the spike bull standing directly in my path until I was about 40 yards from him. He immediately alerted the entire herd and they left for parts unknown.
All my hunts have been mid to late Oct and I have always heard bulls bugling, and have witnessed bulls doing the herd bull dance with big harems. They have generally been what some would call raghorns but for the area they were good 5 points bulls, some being 6 points, with 2 being 300 plus inchers.