Two years in a row, I had a herd bull bugling during the western WA rifle hunt in the first week of November. The first year, when I heard it, my first thought was "why is anybody blowing a bugle in November". It sounded like the source of the bugles were in the general direction I was heading, so you can imagine my surprise when I got to a point where I saw the bull and his cows, but was unable to get a shot at the bull. The next year, I was hunting in the same general area when I heard a bull bugle early opening morning. Having learned my lesson the previous year, I quickly made a bee-line to the sound of the bull. I spotted the 6 point bull and about 6 cows making their way across a small meadow, but did not have a clear shot from where I was. I quickly checked the wind and attempted to circle around the meadow to catch them on the other side. As I was making my way quietly but quickly through the trees, I was focusing too much on the bull and his cows and did not see the spike bull standing directly in my path until I was about 40 yards from him. He immediately alerted the entire herd and they left for parts unknown.