I still attribute most of it to beginner's luck combined with getting real lucky in getting a good shooting factory rifle, AND most importantly some good advice from all the fellas here on Rokslide! It is addicting and I'm sure I will keep stretching it out to find the limit with my current bullet. I suspect I'm already close.
Speaking of which... What factors go into determining maximum range from a terminal ballistic standpoint? Obviously bullet design, velocity, and KE are important. What are some "rules of thumb" for how much energy is needed for say wolf/deer sized critters versus an elk sized animal. I would guess that while I might make a good hit on an elk at 1000 yd, a safer more ethical limit would be 700 - 800 due to terminal ballistics. Deer might stretch it out a bit further due to their smaller/lighter build and less penetration needed but I'm guessing no more than 900-1000 yd. I can tell you right now - I would try a wolf at 1200 if necessary. I can provide a little info on my ballistics for discussion: Muzzle velocity 3167, 160gr Nosler Accubond.
Dist Velocity Energy
600 2272 1834
700 2140 1627
800 2012 1438
900 1889 1268
1000 1771 1114
1100 1659 978
1200 1552 856
And Whisky, you're right... I've already been conjuring up 338 dreams in the back of my mind...