What is missing? Todays Hunting Films/Content

Feb 4, 2018
Tell your stories, sure, but tell them to your close friends and family. That’s wholesome. Don’t tell them to the entire World Wide Web for the purpose of self promotion. That’s damaging.
I dont necessarily disagree, and I also have distaste for self promotion particularly when its very obviously the motivating factor self/brand promotion. I do think intent is important and there are grey areas and sometimes that's hard to define. Its not accurate or fair to label all content as self promotion even if there is that aspect to it.
I just watched the film Lionheart by Blood Origins last night had been curious about it for a while. I cant think of a much better example recently in a film produced with honest intent and a good purpose. LIke has been said on here previously I think when done for the right reasons that are bigger than self it shows and when its not I think is what most of us have gotten tired of.
So ya I agree that is damaging to what hunting truly is and for other reasons like spot burning etc. but anti hunters will continue to have their propaganda so we still need some form of media to tell the true story.

Back to my original post I have absolutely 0% interest in filming and sharing my hunt if there isn't a bigger story or purpose behind it than "hey look at me, I did this thing and killed this animal" even if it was a particularly challenging or exciting hunt that isn't good enough reason.
Feb 4, 2018
Interesting recent Gritty podcast on this subject, I am sure this wont stir the pot at all



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Staff member
Aug 4, 2019
OP, you seem to be missing the point most are making. Because of the drastic and most likely irreversible changes that social media has had on hunting, ANY additional attention is unwanted.

You literally asked what is "missing" and what "resonates"....most of us have seen the destruction/adverse changes and do not welcome any more-even if it is a new spin on hunting content or the next thing, which is what your looking for.
Oct 19, 2017
. I think something many fail to understand is that there will be content whether we like it or not, no different than any other media in the world we cant go back now and its always been there (story telling) in some form.

And that is why so many are against it.


Jun 1, 2013
I want to hear your opinion on what current "content creators" in the hunting space are missing when it comes to producing films or content for YouTube etc. What are they getting right? What type of films and content resonate with you as a hunter the most. This is obviously very subjective but I am curious how others feel on the topic particularly fellow Roksliders sense I feel were a unique subset of the hunting space. For some context as to why I am interested in this topic I'll share my perspective. I have always had an interest in videography/photography and dabbled in filming my hunts, mostly self filming. In 2017 I filmed my wife kill her first elk (she was about 6 months pregnant at the time). The motivation was mostly to share with family and eventually our kids, I threw it up on Youtube to make it easy to share but never pursued it any farther. I always struggled with impacting my hunting with the filming aspect and kind of just got burnt out on the whole idea. My interest in that realm now lies mostly in photography, keeping it simple and just getting good quality photo's of my hunts to share with my kids, friends and family. There is still a spark there at times to film something but I would have to have real meaning and purpose to go through the effort.
My personal opinion is so much of todays hunting content lacks STORY or depth, there are exceptions but so much of it is just highlight reels with no back story or gear promotions. Things have kind of went full circle from the hunting television days to the early days of Youtube and film tours like Fulldraw to where we are at now, its just being done in a different way. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this entirely I consume as much of it as the next guy. Not all content needs to or can be cinematic. Maybe its partly the space is so saturated now days but seems the push to constantly have to produce content were sacrificing quality for quantity. Again there are exceptions and it seems those really do stick out.

So - let’s see: several years ago you made a hunting video, put it on YouTube, nobody watched it, and you didn’t make any money off of it. OK.

And now you want to give it another go? You see how many other YouTube “content creators” are out there (competition is tough) - and you are using this forum to ask for video ideas so people will watch your new videos and you can make money this time?

Is that how this works?