What inexpensive binoculars for kids?

I’m pretty happy with the bantams for my 5 year old. The image quality is a lot better than I expected for $66 and the lower magnification makes it easier for kids to use.

I don’t love Vortex but they are hard to beat on the low end of optics for availability and warranty purposes. I have no desire to split hairs on rebranded cheap chinese optics from companies that won’t exists in a few years or have changed their name multiple times.
Go on ebay and get a set of used Nikon Venturers 8x23 binos. I have a couple pair for car binos. Very good optics, and you can buy them for $30-$40 delivered. Not as robust as my Swarovskis in the rough climates but the definition is very good, they are tiny and very affordable. Have fun.
My son had a pair of Theron 8x32’s demos I think they were that we picked up. They were very good for along time.