I should've specified that I would mainly use it hunting the rain forest of western Oregon chasing Roosevelt's and blacktails. Something to hook my bow to while climbing over ferns, devil's club and old growth blow down, and something to hold it quickly while bugling and moving in on a bull.
Eastern Oregon and other western state hunting where things are more open hasn't been an issue, as I can normally see much farther if an animal is approaching or making a stalk, and just hold my bow or strap it to my pack if hiking a distance. Anyone who has ever hunted the Coast or Cascade jungle knows what I mean when you're hunting solo and you're coaxing a bull into a 10 yard frontal shot. The steady your bow, move a bit, bugle, bugle between your legs duck walk, rake, repeat, would be nice if I could quickly hang my bow from something while going through those motions.
I'm kind of leaning towards a bowsnatcher or spider. Not really keen on more straps hanging off my bow, since it's just that much more to get snagged on thick brush in those scenarios.
Thanks for the replies.