I wouldn't recommend buying a new bow this close to season. Buy a rangefinder(if you do t already have one)! After my bow it's the next most important part of archery gear I have.
Don't skimp on your rangefinder $ wise if you can help it
I would tell you to evaluate your shooting. Nothing like doing all the hard work and shooting an animal in the hip, missing all together, etc.. Anything you are doing bad in the back yard will HORRIBLE with an animal in bow range. I think the most underestimated by far. Guys that have hunted for decades, find holding it together so much easier now than when we started - I mean related to the shot. If you shoot and can't remember what just happened - yep, I am talking to you.
Lastly, DO NOT get caught up in points, score or size. Be proud you are a hunter and kill something. HAVE FUN. Let me say it again, HAVE FUN !! Shoot something , the experience will bring larger animals. If you pass up an animal, you are a fool. HAVE FUN !!!
Mentality, don't get frustrated if it doesn't seem like a Primos video out there. 2 or 3 days without sightings can make it tough to keep your head in the game. Right when you let your guard down and get careless is usually when the big buck or bull shows up. Sometimes bowhunting is so easy. I've filled the freezer many times on sheer luck and just being out there in prime conditions. Its the ones that get it done when the going is tough, with no excuses, that we all aspire to be.
Find your effective range through practicing like you hunt.. then dont try to exceed that range under hunting conditions.
Good idea to get all that time off. My thought is that you can't kill something if you're not out there! Keep after it - it happens so frequently at the moment you least expect it. The highs and lows of bow hunting are quite the whirlwind!
If your bow works for you it is great. Tightspot quivers work well for me. Elknut has some good elk calling info/books/video.
Don't forget to get out in the woods and scout the ever loving daylights out of your area.
The crazy thing is that I drew the same area that Nate Simmons drew with Western Hunter Season V. I will be hunting the very same habitat that he hunted and I can tell you my experience will likely be very different.