What do you all do to fight the ticks during spring

I get tired of always reapplying permethrin, granted I use it for mosquitoes as much as ticks but it seems after the first time through the washer I'm getting bit again. So I bought a pair of insect shield pants from sitka and wore them on a shed hunt in a known tick infested grassy area. I didn't have a single one crawling up my legs like I normally do. Except for the time I reached down to pick up an antler and brushed the grass, immediately had one crawling on my arm. I guess a top with insect shield is next! Hoping it stays effective longer than the spray on stuff. The sitka pants fit kinda dorky but if it keeps ticks off I don't mind.
I use permethrin spray by Sawyer on boots, socks, pants and shirt. No ticks for 5 weeks (wearing in the woods 2-3 days a week)
I do the same, works well.
Last year, I sprayed my clothes outside, hung them on a clothes rack, and set it on the front porch to dry. Then noticed how sunny it was in the yard so I moved the rack out into the sun. A little while later the wife and teenage daughter came home. Daughter storms past me, “Daddy!” And just heads to her room. I’m very confused and look to my wife for an explanation. She informs me my daughter went into total embarrassment induced shock when they returned home and my underwear was hanging up in the front yard for the entire neighborhood to see.
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Respect the ticks but don't be afraid of them and let them keep you out of the woods for an entire season. If you use Sawyer Permethrin and follow the directions on the bottle then you will be completely fine. I have complete confidence in it after using it for a decade. I like to really soak my clothes, every article I may be wearing, as well as boots, pack and turkey vest. Keep it away from cats while it's wet as it can mess with their nervous systrm. It's fine after it dries. All of this is listed on the bottle.
Move to Alaska.

Aside from that permethrin works great as others have said. Ill swap clothes at the truck if I can then wash when I get home.