What distance to start dialing

My scopes are never set at zero unless I’m checking zero. Zero at 100, dial is always set to 0.5mil as default, or ~200yd. Then dial additional if need to shoot past 250yd.
What makes sense to me as the fastest, most efficient and effective long range strategy is to zero at 300 yards. For most flat shooting rifles the hold on a deer sized animal is 1/3 up at 100 and 200, 3/4 up at 350, just over the back for 400 and half the chest depth over its back for 450.

I like the idea of point blank range, but its not a small thing to purposely plan on impacts being 3” or 4” off center. Up close, holding 1/3 up from the bottom of chest is so ingrained it’s automatic - point blank doesn’t save time or effort - it just makes it easier to mis.
You just described the point blank/set it & forget it way of shooting and then said it makes it easier to miss.

I'm curious at the "plan on impacts being 3-4 inches off center". I never consider that, just once a critter is 200 yds or more i need a range finder.
@Rich M , that makes much more sense now that I checked, thanks. I just checked myself—my 3006 and wifes 7-08, which is what I checked when I posted, are in moa, the only guns in the house that arent in mil. looked at dope chart and saw “3.9” at 400 yards and didnt notice it was moa! 3.9mils is 39 clicks, equal to 39cm at 100m….and yes, only 4” if its 3.9moa. My bad, I just think in mils at this point. need to edit my post above. That still seems like an excessive zero distance given Id need to hold quite a long way from where I want to hit at my normal ranges, but Im sure it works.

That's why I'm stuck in the old style - too many variables to switch back and forth. Things get confused and next thing I know miss a shot shoulda made and well, always try not to do that.

Run with what you do and know it well.
Rich m, For what its worth there is no switching back and forth as long as I dont try to think in inches. I actually use a 100yard zero on the 1 remaining moa scope I have, but use it similar to yours, ie I dont dial +\-ever—which gets me past where its generally possible to ever get a shot where I use that rifle (about 200yds, impact is 3” low), so I can pretty much always aim center-height if I can see the animal through the woods, and I have essentially no built-in error where 99% of my shots happen. If I were to want to shoot further, I know the range beyond which I need to dial, and If I am dialing, 3.9 on the solver is 3.9 on the scope, its irrelevant what the units are—it really is simple and consistent. But I agree 100% that having and knowing (ie practicing) a system that works for you is the way, regardless of what it looks like, and it sounds like we wind up in about the same place as far as where “long range” starts.
You just described the point blank/set it & forget it way of shooting and then said it makes it easier to miss.

I'm curious at the "plan on impacts being 3-4 inches off center". I never consider that, just once a critter is 200 yds or more i need a range finder.
I don’t aim for center “set it and forget it”. I aim high or low so bullet impact is in the middle of the chest.
Scope is a 100 yard zero, will dial to 225 yards or 2 moa when walking around, should be good to 325 yards with this. Otherwise I will dial if over 325 yards or of I'm in a static spot then I will range and dial for the range at which the animal appears.
depends on how much setup time I have.. I trust reticle hold overs and have practiced using the reticle for holdovers. If I have more than 1 minute I'm gonna dial for 400+ yd shots
I zero at 100 yards and hold for under 300 yards, pass that I will dial.