What did you do at the range today?

I haven't shot a craft w/ multiple guns yet to compare. How does the 300wsm kraft number compare to your typical kraft number?
More than double. I could feel the bad habits developing in real time too lol. I think if I added a couple lbs and a brake, it wouldn't be too bad, but I have a 6.5prc barrel on the way already.
Ballistic-X-Export-2023-02-19 16_11_28.773027.png.jpg
My dad and I went out last week and shot 50 rounds each in our 300wm. We were on the long range shooting from 600-1200. Conditions were good for wind practice as most of the time it was a 2moa wind and we can always use more practice in those conditions. Loads were still shooting well for us that day.

Load development will start next month in my new 6.5-284 as soon as it’s finished being built.
I read back a couple pages but didnt see more than a reference to it…”form drill”? What is this?
I read back a couple pages but didnt see more than a reference to it…”form drill”? What is this?
Thanks very much.Thats a good drill. I have a favorite stage I like to set at our 22prs matches that is sort of similar. 90 second total time, I use about a 5-6moa target standing unsupported to start, going to progreesivly more stable positions but with progressivly smaller targets, and the shooter must hit to move to the next target—if Im feeling diabolical I make em hit twice to move on. It’s fun to watch who practices unsupported positions! And amazing how many people shoot their entire magazine standing offhand without moving on. (Including me once in a while 🫤)
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Today I learned how critical it is to make sure the Tikka action engages the recoil lug correctly.

Was trying to compare some group sizes between 2 different bullets and after 2 touching then a 2 mil shift I started chasing my tail to figure out what was wrong. Noticed one of the action screws wasn't straight so I took the action out and reinstalled it in the stock. Fired a few with some factory ammo and was good to go.

Managed to shoot 10x of the ELD-X (~1.1MOA) but will need to shoot the Elite Hunters another day now.
First match of the year is coming up for me in March, and I don’t even have my new barrel broke in.

It getting dark at 4 combined with baby duty and a lot of snow put the damper on my shooting time. Should be changing soon.
4 10rd groups. 6.5 CM 42.2gr H4350 - 140 Elite Hunters and 143 ELD-X. 10 of each with Winchester and CCI primers. I changed up how I shot each group slightly trying to work on recoil management and remaining on target through recoil. Initially I was ending up 6-8 mils high/left. Most of the vertical was the gun dropping into the bag after the shot. I am still fighting a 3-6 mil left jump, but will work on that. I tried to shoot each group of 10 the same (aside from 2 shots in the first group when I realized I was changing POI slightly). For the last group I took the spacer out of the stock and shifted the pad up slightly and that helped a bit. Will keep that there for a while and see how it feels from other positions.

Biggest group was like 1 1/8" (center to center) so any of these will work for me. Going to confirm velocities and pick one. Leaning elite hunters as I have more of them.

Have another 5 of each loaded up to check velocities with.



Shot some reloads to check velocity today. Only had 3 of the CCI/140 EH combo as I didn't mount the stock right and burned a few extra rounds getting dialed in.

Shot a few to adjust my zero w/ the magnetospeed on the barrel, then shot a kraft target while getting velocities. Aside from completely pulling one of the prone shots it wasn't too bad. Obviously my zero efforts with 4 rounds weren't very good but overall it's one of the better one's I've shot. The ELD-X also tend to hit higher than the 140 Elite Hunters last time too and that was consistent today.


I’m still waiting to see some non times Kraft drill targets from ultra lite magnum rifles on here.

Well it’s not “ultra light”, but it is a standard weight 300 win mag without a break or suppressor. Had an old box of 178gr AMAX’s with a stiff load of H1000 that was for the last barrel, so….


Funny enough, on the second to last standing shot, I took a picture of the position and the rifle fell off while I was taking the pic-

Mud is still on the eyepiece.

Prone off the pack. Kneeling/sitting with pack and crossed sticks, standing tripod and light bag on top.
Well it’s not “ultra light”, but it is a standard weight 300 win mag without a break or suppressor. Had an old box of 178gr AMAX’s with a stiff load of H1000 that was for the last barrel, so….

View attachment 541922

Funny enough, on the second to last standing shot, I took a picture of the position and the rifle fell off while I was taking the pic-

Mud is still on the eyepiece.
View attachment 541923

Prone off the pack. Kneeling/sitting with pack and crossed sticks, standing tripod and light bag on top.
Good stuff. Today was my first time shooting this drill with something beyond a 6.5 creed. 185s out of a 3006 has a little more push. The recoil makes anything off the ground more difficult.

Kind of nice feeling recoil again. Got lazy shooting 6 and 22 creed too much lately.
Well it’s not “ultra light”, but it is a standard weight 300 win mag without a break or suppressor. Had an old box of 178gr AMAX’s with a stiff load of H1000 that was for the last barrel, so….

View attachment 541922

Funny enough, on the second to last standing shot, I took a picture of the position and the rifle fell off while I was taking the pic-

Mud is still on the eyepiece.
View attachment 541923

Prone off the pack. Kneeling/sitting with pack and crossed sticks, standing tripod and light bag on top.
Great shooting! I have a couple of questions if you don't mind. Where do you place your off hand when you are prone over your pack when shooting a heavier recoiling rifle ( unbraked or un supressed). I shot my .30-06 for the first time in a while after shooting my 223 all winter and found it quite squirrely off a pack. I could see initial impact on the plate so I don't think my npa was off. But I ended up placing my hand on top of the scope to keep it down a bit. Also, what sling is that on your .300? Thanks.
Good stuff. Today was my first time shooting this drill with something beyond a 6.5 creed. 185s out of a 3006 has a little more push. The recoil makes anything off the ground more difficult.

Kind of nice feeling recoil again. Got lazy shooting 6 and 22 creed too much lately.

Haha. Can’t say it was nice for me. I don’t mind a little push- like a 308 suppressed. That rifle is about 8.5lbs and moves a bit. Ten round groups with that load are about 1.5 MOA from that rifle, so not great either.