What causes this and would you reuse the brass?


Jun 15, 2023
This is a 7prc Hornady 175g Precision Hunter factory load. It was very hard to pull back the bolt and eject. I’m accumulating brass and have yet to get into reloading. Please educate me on what signs to look for on a case. Why the burn marks on the edge? What can be done to prevent this in the future if anything. Thanks in advance


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That’s wild. Definitely an ejector mark. But it shouldn’t be black.

To me it looks like it’s way over pressured and piercing primers. Gas is getting passed the primer and back into your bolt, hence leaving a dark ejector mark.

What does it look like before you deprime? Or is this how it looks like once you pull it from the chamber? lol. If so that’s a major issue.
Yeah I second the pressure indicator. I’ve had some Hornady factory ammo pretty hot for the rifle I shot them out of. Looks like what’s happening here.

I assume you were the one that knocked the primer out. As long as you don’t see any cracks or issues with the brass and the primer pocket will hold a primer you should be able to reuse it.
Another question I have. Does it chamber fine? Or are you having to really push to get the round in the chamber? What kind of rifle?
Like the rest it appears to be a pressure issue. Is that the only one?
If there is more than one maybe several Contact Hornady they will help you .
The rifle is a McWhorter 7prc with a Borden action. I shot two boxes of Hornady 175g Precision Hunter today and this is the only case that had black marks near the edge/ejector. The primer came out when ejected. A few other cases had marks from (what I’m calling) the ejector but most were fine. I’m a novice when it comes to looking at spent cases so call me an idiot and correct me if needed - no risk of hurt feelings. This hasn’t happened in the past and probably have 180-200rounds through this rifle. It just wasn’t as smooth today cycling rounds. I may have too much residual lubricant in the chamber after the last cleaning. Have a Hawkins Hunter DBM and it didn’t cycle rounds consistently today either. Are there adjustments that may be.needed for the bolt or ejector?
When you say residual lube. Like solvent from the bore? What kind of lube are you using and how? This does seem odd that it just happened today. Could be a bad batch of ammo. Are the lot numbers the same as the previous boxes?
The rifle is a McWhorter 7prc with a Borden action. I shot two boxes of Hornady 175g Precision Hunter today and this is the only case that had black marks near the edge/ejector. The primer came out when ejected. A few other cases had marks from (what I’m calling) the ejector but most were fine. I’m a novice when it comes to looking at spent cases so call me an idiot and correct me if needed - no risk of hurt feelings. This hasn’t happened in the past and probably have 180-200rounds through this rifle. It just wasn’t as smooth today cycling rounds. I may have too much residual lubricant in the chamber after the last cleaning. Have a Hawkins Hunter DBM and it didn’t cycle rounds consistently today either. Are there adjustments that may be.needed for the bolt or ejector?
Can’t really make adjustments to the bolt or ejector to fix this. Clean your chamber. May have contributed. Was this one of the first rounds you fired?

If it were me, I wouldn’t shoot another round from whatever you bought and contact hornady. I’ve reloaded for years and never blown a primer. Blowing a primer imo is showing huge signs of pressure.

Tough to say for the rest as far a cycling. Could be a bunch of things.
This was the 4th of 40 rounds. Thinking this was a bad one in the bunch. I inspected the rest thoroughly. Other than feed issues (which could have been me not pulling the bolt back all the way as we were trying to shoot 3 shot groups faster).
Your primer came out on ejection. You have an ejector mark in your brass.

You experienced way high pressure.

Any chance you loaded pistol or fast powder rifle recently and had some left in the powder throw or trickler? Is your scale set up near a vent....seen that one too.

Regardless, figure out what went wrong. If nothing obvious, reduce your load at least 10% and start over.
I would suggest that it’s likely that the other rounds with ejector marks are indicating you have pressure issues.

Sometimes the ejector can cause the marks without pressure, but generally, my understanding is that it is more often than not, a sign of pressure. I wouldn’t shoot anymore of those. I would get some other factory options to try. If they all show pressure signs, contact the maker of the rifle. If the other ammo doesn’t show pressure signs, I would use those other ammo options and send an email to hornady about this ammo.

Also, there shouldn’t be any lube in the chamber after cleaning.

That being said, I’ve had some factory ammo give pressure signs in factory guns. Everyone, not just reloaders should be aware and understand signs and risks.
Your primer came out on ejection. You have an ejector mark in your brass.

You experienced way high pressure.

Any chance you loaded pistol or fast powder rifle recently and had some left in the powder throw or trickler? Is your scale set up near a vent....seen that one too.

Regardless, figure out what went wrong. If nothing obvious, reduce your load at least 10% and start over.
He stated that it was a factory round.
Hornady put the powder in that round not the OP.
If you have any more of this ammo in the same lot number you could weigh each round if you have a scale and also take an overall measurement. At least give you peace of mind that the rest are at spec. Definitely reach out to Hornady.
If you have any more of this ammo in the same lot number you could weigh each round if you have a scale and also take an overall measurement. At least give you peace of mind that the rest are at spec. Definitely reach out to Hornady.
He shouldn’t take too much solace in them being at spec if he’s still getting pressure in his rifle from spec’d ammo. Just my opinion though I suppose.
That’s what I was hoping to hear. My dumbass mistake.

Thanks for all the replies.
Get yourself a selection of shotgun bore mops, 410, 20 and 12 gauge ... they make great chamber mops

Edit just to add:
Also in the future, make sure your barrel is dry along with the chamber .....wet with lube is not a good thing
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