Another update. I’m definitely going suppressed now. Either the Dead Air Nomad Ti or the SilencerCo Omega 300.
And because of that I’m now more open to selling both my current rifles to fund one custom. (The 25-06 is getting sold for sure).
I’m thinking an 18-20” (maybe 19?) 300wsm. I’m leaning 19” bc I’m only shooting factory ammo and can’t reload to squeeze and extra velo out of the short barrel. But I’m open to opinions on barrel length.
One question I do have, is carbon barrel the way to go on a short barrel like that? It seems to me like it is, but I have no experience with builds.
I’m thinking I want to shoot either the 175lrx, 200 terminal ascent, or 190 ablr. All of those should cover me out to 500yds just fine. And since the majority of my elk usage will be 100 yards and in, I’d like to stay with a stronger bullet