What caliber for Cow Elk?

Killed a cow elk w/ a 6.5 cm. Given the lack of ammo availability last year, I ended up shooting target ammo. Dont remember the exact bullet but it didn't petal at all. One double lung shot, no meat wasted, dead elk. In the future ill be using better bullets but it worked out well that time.
I have killed several spikes and cows with a 260 (it's like a Creedmore...for men) and a 140 Sierra Gameking. I have killed a few with an anemic 6.4-284 and RA's Premium killing bullets. Every one that was hit properly went to the promised land with all due haste. The 6.5s kill better that they should. But they don't kill as well as a big 30. And a 338 is even better.
Comment 8 ;}
Killed a cow elk w/ a 6.5 cm. Given the lack of ammo availability last year, I ended up shooting target ammo. Dont remember the exact bullet but it didn't petal at all. One double lung shot, no meat wasted, dead elk. In the future ill be using better bullets but it worked out well that time.
If you’re in that much of a bind and going on a cow hunt let me know I’ll send you some ammo Don’t used target bullets on game.
Thousands upon thousands of Elk have been killed over the past century with the 30-30, 243, 270, 308, and 30-06 using cheap core-lokt/speer/sierra bullets. These are not overly powerful rifles, and bullet constriction wasn't anything special until recently. The elk must be wearing a LOT of armor plating these days to require a 338 Lapua Magnum. People might as well recommend the guy buys a 20mm anti-aircraft gun, which should be barely adequate by 2025 if current trends continue.
Get a bang stick .243" or greater of your liking, if you see a critter within yelling distance that you want to make dead, put the pew in the front third.
Hi All,

A few friends and I put in for cow elk tags this year. Provided we draw, I was planning to use my 6.5 CM Tikka T3x with 140 Nosler Partitions. I know for bull elk, the recommendation is 300 WM or 7 RM, but would 6.5 CM be acceptable for cow elk? I don't want to be undergunned. I can borrow a 308 if that would be better. I'm not a huge fan of the magnum calibers due to the recoil.

Thank you for the advice.
Elk is an elk is an elk they are all tough live in the same places and require the same effort that applies to your shooting and caliber choice. That said I did kill a bull with a 6.5 cm at 140 yards broadside. It's about shot placement and knowing yours and your rifles limits.