What Broadhead Did You Use In 2020?

i used kudu contour plus in 125gr this year, hit heart, both lungs and it cut through off side leg bone on exit... bull sprinted about 25yds, and stopped, and crashed.... dead in a few short seconds, broadhead was in good shape.

that will be my compound head unless i get a reason to change in the future.... i'm on a mission to simplify all of my gear right now, use all of the same stuff every year. there is a lot of value to familiarize all of my gear and just keep building confidence in it..... i have been terrible the past few years shooting different bows, different arrow builds, different everything.... i do better just settling into something that works and sticking with it.

dropped down to a 524gr arrow (from over 600gr the past couple years) and i'll just stick with that.... heavy isn't much of a hinderance to me, but it's nice to be able to practice to 100yds shooting foam, my 642gr arrows i was maxed out at just over 75yds on my sight, and i like shooting foam at longer distances in the summer.

i got caught up in the BS that doesn't matter for a few years, overthinking unimportant aspects of my setup... we are spoiled with good options these days in every aspect, but especially broadheads! so many excellent options
Kudus are tough, sharp and fly great. Good call
What did I use? Or what did I carry? Lol. Ace Standards and Super Express. 250gr VPA 3 blades, had some Cutthroats in the mix as well. Took them on some nice walks.

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125 gr. Shuttle T-loc, I’ve been loyal for 4 years but I’m thinking about straying into something else. Good head but I think I’m ready for a change
125 gr. Shuttle T-loc, I’ve been loyal for 4 years but I’m thinking about straying into something else. Good head but I think I’m ready for a change
Are you sticking to a 125gr? If you like the shuttle t, a good natural progression could be the 150gr Valkyrie blood eagles, which is like a mega souped up version of the shuttle t
The 150gr is called the short BE... looks like a wicked head made of great steel
Are you sticking to a 125gr? If you like the shuttle t, a good natural progression could be the 150gr Valkyrie blood eagles, which is like a mega souped up version of the shuttle t
The 150gr is called the short BE... looks like a wicked head made of great steel
My plan has been to stick with a 125, but that doesn't mean I won't do some research into the 150 options you have suggested - thanks
Didn't get a elk tag in 2020 but in 2019 my buddy and I both used 100Gr Ramcats. They worked awesome! We did our part shooting them and they did their part. Came back with the best meat in the world.
Used two Exodus 100 grain heads to take 11 deer this year. I retired one to “practice” status after shooting through a deer and deep into a log. Still flies straight. I have used the Exodus for several years and won’t use anything else. Super quiet in flight. My setup is a bit overkill for deer, 485 grains @ 280 fps, but I always get a pass-thru.