what brand LR primer

Pretty much what you can find..
mainly use winchesters. Bought a few hundred fiocchis a while back and they’ve been good
Winchester WLR. However all my rifles are factory hunting rifles except one custom rifle but none seem to like one brand of primer over any other! I've done a lot of loading over the years for calibers ranging from .224, .243, 257, .277. 7mm, .308, .338 and .458 and have never found a brand of primer any of them shot differently (other than velocities) that any other!
My go to’s have always been Remington 9 1/2 and Federal 210M, but as others have said, I’d grab whatever I could right now. I’ve actually been luckier lately getting magnum primers. I picked up a couple thousand Ginex large rifle primers earlier this summer at a great price and free hazmat, but I haven’t shot them yet.
CCI 200 is what I use a majority of the time. I've got close to 2000 so I should be good for a while.

I do have a couple hundred Reming 9-1/2 for emergency use if I get low on CCI's.
Federal champions, they're available around me and considerably cheaper then the rest,haven't noticed much difference from the other brands of primers for my uses