What bow are you shooting?

I use a couple of them, switch off every now and then. An Osage static recurve that started out as a fencepost. Built it in '95 and still going strong and a Bamboo & Maple longbow built in '99. If everything goes well this September, one of them will be a major player on an elk kill.

Bear Montana Longbow, 60#@28". I am humbled. You all shoot some fine bows. Soon I'll be shooting my own bow, as of now it looks like it will be 70#@28".
I'm going to elk hunt with my trusty old Black Widow SA that I bought used, (They're PSA's now, the P standing for Precision, CNC machined). Some people look down their noses at 'em, "plywood bows", there's a reason plywood is strong... this thing has laminations running every which way, I guarantee I could dry-fire it and not hurt it, freaking thing is bullet proof. Then if I have the time and freezer space I'll hunt whitetails with a '70's era Bear Takedown Magnesium I picked up this spring. I got a couple pretty bows too I might use.
Can any of you guys tell me what AMO means? I looked on the glossary of Tradgang and couldn't find anything on it.
Currently shooting an RER LX at 64" 47#@28". It's a 3 piece longbow, and I love shooting it, but looking into buying a recurve to give a shot at the moment. I'm confident with the LX out to 20 yards at the moment, hoping to extend that to 25 and maybe 30 before season arrives.
Blacktail takedown recurve 60",55#@28".......Zeus, AMO= Archery Manufacturers Organization.
Depends on the day. :D

Bamabows Royal Expedition 2-piece 55#@ 29 62"
Toelke Whip 54#@28 64"
Wallace Mountain longbow 55#@29 66"

Mudd foot
Just ordered my Stalker Coyote XT takedown longbow, 62" 50#@28", brown select cocobolo, bocote and a little surprise... South said he'd get it to me in 5 weeks, just in time for Az javalina. Ed F
I've been building my own bows for quite a while now. But I do own a black tail and I hunt mostly with it and a one piece recurve I've made. I've probably killed more game with a longbow but I really do prefer a recurve.