Browing Rokslide... I'm thinking about starting a thread about 30-06 for brown bears just to watch the world burn while I suffer through this meeting...
With the speaker phone, mute button on, and the video off, what are you doing? Surfing the web, changing spark plugs, watching tv, doing the dishes, washing the car, shooting arrows?
Had this happen during a meeting a month or so ago...after 2 or 3 times of someone asking "everyone" to mute their line if they were not talking...all of a sudden it sounds like someone has their phone presses against their printer and they must have been printing the dictionary with how long it the original person starts to yell at them to mute the phone, a second unmuted line sounds like a metal building is coming down and crap is bouncing all over the shit show.Somehow I managed to unmute my phone, 2 weeks ago, while dragging the garbage and recycling cans down the driveway and into their proper spots which apparently requires a significant more amount of banging and dragging, than I knew. Wanna talk about a) bringing some life to a conference call b) pissing off the boss. That will do it!
An old co-worker of mine used to do that all the time. It was hilarious to watch him dive over the couch and come back with a hoodie on 30 seconds later.I recently learned the importance of always wearing a shirt or always making sure your camera is turned off before joining a meeting. I’m on zoom/Skype calls all day every day and got a little too comfortable and complacent.
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Firing people that feel they do not have to pay attention to a meeting I have called.