What a weekend in a snowy south Alabama swamp!


Jan 12, 2018
SE Alabama
Very thankful to have access to some private that has an amazing swamp in it that requires waders or boats to get around. This past weekend the wind was right and I couldn’t give up the chance to don the waders and my Exo K4 and go off to my favorite spot to sit on the ground, especially with some snow still on the ground from last week’s blizzard. It snowed more last week than it had cumulatively here in my life.

I only venture into this spot since finding it 4-5 times a year, I just sit on a little summit seat that straps to a tree and then cut off some palmetto fronds and stick them in the ground so that just my head is sticking out. It’s an extremely effective tactic, I’ve had dozens of deer less than 5 yards from me over the years in this spot.


Usually see 30+ deer here, but the 6th one that morning did not escape the 22CM. Dandy buck for here with great mass, good width, but just ok tine length.


After I shot him at about 8:40 AM I dragged him for the pics above, then went back to my seat to strip off some layers of clothes and get knives and game bags. About 9:10 I started to walk back to him to begin cleaning and I see this, this is a still photo from a video I took. He was maybe 60 yards from me at most.


I looked at him and actually said out loud “I’ll be back for you tomorrow.” I then gutted the deer and attempted to float him out which did NOT go well, we had talked about trying that the night before so I gave it a go. It would have been easy if not for all the deadfall over the creeks. At one point I gave up and went and got my sled I use to get my gear across the main river, and then sank it after getting him in it. Lesson learned, just debone and pack em out like I had every other deer I ever killed in there.


That evening I shot a doe (that didn’t require packing out) and while cleaning it at the barn I told my buddies “Guys this is weird, but I’m not hopeful I see that deer tomorrow morning, I KNOW I’m going to kill him.”

I told this story to my wife later that night and she said “well if you’re going back across the river to hunt we may go to my parents since you won’t be home for lunch.” I replied “Well even if I kill him at 7 AM it’ll take me 4-5 hours to get him out and I’m going to kill him around 9:30 so ya’ll might as well go see them if you want to.”

So, the next morning I pack back in and there isn’t much activity. There still some guts that I can see from my seat that the coyotes didn’t finish cleaning up the night before. Activity starts to pick up around 9, and at 9:35 a doe pop out immediately to my right out of some tall reeds. I see she is a mature doe and think to myself a buck has to be behind her. Sure enough here come antlers. He pops out of the reeds, grunts at her and she takes off. I pushed my shooting sticks forward and snapped the rifle to my right and that was it. 22CM got another, best I can figure at 9:37. Most excited I had been for a deer in a long long time.


Started cleaning him and a young buck kept circling me, to the point I had to throw sticks at him to get him to leave me alone. Was very odd! Took a bunch of videos of those encounters, he came within 5 yards of me a few times. Never acted aggressive, just curious. Anyhow, loaded the Exo up one last time for the 24-25 hunting season.


Lastly, my buddies were excited to see this buck so they came to my river crossing spot to rendezvous and help me get him to the truck from there. One of them took this pic and it made me wonder how long I’ll be this invested in little ol deer. I hope a long time, and it really is an awesome taste of wilderness western hunting, down here in a small pocket of snowy south Alabama swamp.



Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
Great story. Reminded me that adventure is where you find it. I've never hunted the swamp might have to add it to my bucket list

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Jan 12, 2018
SE Alabama
Congrats! I use a pirogue a good bit to get to areas like you’re hunting. Makes things way easier. I’ll also had good lick floating deer our, but never gut them before doing so. 👍

Nice, the main river isn’t bad for floating but the smaller creeks feeding it that I was around are full of obstacles like this, usually with thickets on each side ha.



Jan 12, 2018
SE Alabama
No wonder you got the place to yourself. Not to derail(you can pm me if you’d rather), but how are you liking the EXO compared to the Kifaru?

Everything about the Exo is top notch. Nothing against the Kifaru, but the Exo fit me better and had is just the right mix of features and simplicity IMO


Apr 17, 2016
Everything about the Exo is top notch. Nothing against the Kifaru, but the Exo fit me better and had is just the right mix of features and simplicity IMO
Yeah, I feel like I need to be some kind of engineer to get all my straps used effectively on my Kifaru. Lol

I may try to offload enough Kifaru pieces to try the EXO. The 5000 or 7200 the best one to get?


Jan 12, 2018
SE Alabama
Yeah, I feel like I need to be some kind of engineer to get all my straps used effectively on my Kifaru. Lol

I may try to offload enough Kifaru pieces to try the EXO. The 5000 or 7200 the best one to get?

I’ve been using the 3600 for everything including a 6 night elk hunt, but I’m pretty minimalistic. I wished I had a bigger bag this weekend whitetail hunting just for all my clothing. Had to make two trips with that buck yesterday.

Swamp Fox

Oct 20, 2022
Congrats! I use a pirogue a good bit to get to areas like you’re hunting. Makes things way easier. I’ll also had good lick floating deer our, but never gut them before doing so. 👍

Easier and cleaner not to gut 'em if you have to float 'em.


Feb 24, 2023
Awesome weekend and a beautiful spot for sure.

My wife plays that game too. Ill show her pictures the night before I hunt and she will tell me what time the deer will be there. She's been freakishly close on most and dead nuts on others a few times now.