Wet Wipes

Venture wipes.......off of amazon. Biodegradable and unscented. Large enough to start at the head and work your way down doing the “dirty spots” last. Individually packaged so you don’t have issues with the whole pack drying out. They worked excellent on my recent moose/bear hunt.

I too discovered baby wipes after 2 daughters . Next to good boots a MUST have. I'm not bathroom scheduled like Sheldon Cooper but after 10 days the horses become harder to catch when they smell you coming!:poop:
Fascinating thread... :oops:

Most of the wipes mentioned aren't "antibacterial" from what I can see but having a wipe for each day you're out is kinda nice (as a supplement rather than replacement to TP).
Meant to add that I could see some value if you're re-hydrating them for a shower but if I'm doing paperwork in the field the last thing I want to be doing halfway through is messing with my drinking water to rehydrate a wipe!
I just bird bath in the creek. During bow season it’s warm enough at night. During 4 th rifle I time it when I have a mid day walk coming up so as to not freeze. Water does clean a thing or two, or at least it use too. I’m finding those used wet wipes in the darndest places in the backcountry. They don’t degrade as quick as toilet paper.

These crazy things are everywhere in the front country AND now more and more in the backcountry. Unless my trip is like 10+ days I'm not really thinking about wipes. ...and I guess I am that guy - if I can't burn it I'm packing it out.

Are you guys actually dehydrating wipes? That is a new level of something...
I bring TP for well tp uses. A bandanna for a variety of uses, and for cleanup a soft blue dish sponge . The sponge works great for wiping down and cleaning up. Put a few drops of dr bronners in some hot water and you’re good to go. Never saw the need or usefulness of wet wipes.
Speaking from a recent experience, ya best not forget in cold weather to put those wet wipes in your bag at night if you forgot your tp back up!

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My brother gave me some of these for my elk trip last year...He keeps them in his boat, hunting pack, everywhere. just add a touch of water and it unfolds into a 8"x10" wash cloth... weighs nothing and they are individually wrapped. 5$/100 pieces on amazon.Screenshot_20191124-081849.png
I get the smaller packs of dude wipes (I think there is 18 per pack). 1 pack lasted me 8 days in Canada. TP first, then a wipe or 2. The weight is worth it. Leave 2 extra AA batteries behind instead of the wipes!
People dehydrate wet wipes??? Man I thought I was a "Lightweight" guy. But hey more power to you if you do. I use the non scented Costco wipes. Can't complain haha.
So, I wound up using the wysi wipes that were recommended earlier ITT in combination with a small pack of dehydrated wet wipes that I left in camp. Rehydrated them and left them in the tent, they got used for the daily chore after getting up each morning, and the wysi's were used in the field. Both worked great. Other than one morning the wet wipes were a block of ice, sure was nice to have those little wysi wipes then haha.
The ONLY time it may make sense to dehydrate wet wipes is if it is below freezing. They will freeze which makes a certain task difficult. I just encountered this the other day while chasing whitetails in NE.

You are not going to notice a 1 ounce (or less) weight savings by dehydrating your wet wipes.
The ONLY time it may make sense to dehydrate wet wipes is if it is below freezing. They will freeze which makes a certain task difficult. I just encountered this the other day while chasing whitetails in NE.

You are not going to notice a 1 ounce (or less) weight savings by dehydrating your wet wipes.

I took a pack of 48 Walgreens house brand wipes from 7.8 oz to 3.4 just by leaving them open for a couple months. Over a 1/4 lb. Ounce counters rejoice.