Western tactics down south


Nov 2, 2015
Man am I glad I started coming on rokslide a year back. Using some of these western tactics has made my life way easier. We hunt a lot of hogs and now that I have a good pack getting em out is wayyy easier. Used to pull our pigs for miles lol.... but in your pack is so much easier!!! Flatlanders have been doing it wrong for a looooong time lol.


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Preaching to the choir, brother. Dragging sucks. For the most part I went to gutless method quartering and packing out anything longer than 1/2 mile give or take depending on steepness. It is way, way easier, not to mention how lovely it is not to have to gut an animal especially if you nick stomach on a quartering shot. My first couple gutless deer were a little messy, but I am a pro now. Bonus was that I already knew what to do when I downed my first elk.

My cousins that own the family camp think I am some kind of psycho out there dismembering deer in the woods, I just shake my head and laugh. They are definitely stubborn stuck in their ways kind of folks.

Lol I've seen people go through so much trouble to find a place to hang a deer to skin it. Even chopping down a pole to do
It lol. I'm a gutless method guy too.

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From the title I though you were hiking to a high spot and pulling out the big glasses.
Lol I've seen people go through so much trouble to find a place to hang a deer to skin it. Even chopping down a pole to do
It lol. I'm a gutless method guy too.

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I've done enough gutless and hanging to say if I have a second strong back and set of hands hanging is my first choice.
Better meat recovery and way, way, way, less hair. You save more time at the end not cleaning meat than it takes to hang one.
Cut from the hide side out and you won't have that hair problem. We can have an elk ready for transport from the kill site in less than an hour with the gutless method.
A game cart will work pretty well for hauling hogs too, if the ground isn't too soft.