Western glass options



Feb 14, 2020
North Georgia
I have the Outdoorsman’s stud and tall Bino adapter already. I had a pistol grip but sold it recently. Haven’t decided what tripod head I’m going to go with just yet after selling the pistol grip.


Nov 2, 2018
Long Island, ny
I’m going to revive this thread instead of starting a new one to see what the thoughts are on 12x binos. I went on my hunt with the 8x slc and they worked fine for the terrain. We never really got anywhere where you were able to glass long ranges. I’m sure if I continue to hunt the west every year I will eventually want more than 8s. I’ve been putting in for the az draw a few years now. And considering doing some mule deer hunts as well. I’m wanting to start saving for a new pair of optics. Since I tree stand hunt 98% of my time I believe I want to keep the 8s for that situation. I’ve read a lot of posts comparing the 12x to the 15x.
My question is would say the 12x el be a better investment than the 15x slc since I have the 8s already. Or are the 8 and 12s to close to consider dropping that kind of money. I don’t want to carry two pair of bino. So I would either carry the 8x or the 12x/15x on hunts where one or the other would be better. Also considered in the upcoming years investing in a spotter.
Given that I have the 8s now would it be better to pick up the spotter before picking up say a pair of 12 el.
Would my 8s and a spotter be better than 12s and a spotter? Would buying 12el first be smarter move. So many glassing options and combos out there in really torn on which way to go about buying glass to fill in the blanks.
Sorry if my post is kind of all over the place.

I always say big views start at 15x

However, after getting 12x42 last year the number of compromises they offer are really growing on me. They are smaller and lighter then 15x, decent field of views, can still be handheld, can see for miles on a tripod, work good on a monopod too, and can be used as a one optic solution for long hikes, long distance views (for me anyway).

But keep in mind that the views of 12x are closer to 10x then they are to 15x…..your best bet is to buy both and try them on any targets two miles away. I usually look at people and dogs down the beach. You will know which ones you want to keep or return right away.


Feb 16, 2014
I’m going to revive this thread instead of starting a new one to see what the thoughts are on 12x binos. I went on my hunt with the 8x slc and they worked fine for the terrain. We never really got anywhere where you were able to glass long ranges. I’m sure if I continue to hunt the west every year I will eventually want more than 8s. I’ve been putting in for the az draw a few years now. And considering doing some mule deer hunts as well. I’m wanting to start saving for a new pair of optics. Since I tree stand hunt 98% of my time I believe I want to keep the 8s for that situation. I’ve read a lot of posts comparing the 12x to the 15x.
My question is would say the 12x el be a better investment than the 15x slc since I have the 8s already. Or are the 8 and 12s to close to consider dropping that kind of money. I don’t want to carry two pair of bino. So I would either carry the 8x or the 12x/15x on hunts where one or the other would be better. Also considered in the upcoming years investing in a spotter.
Given that I have the 8s now would it be better to pick up the spotter before picking up say a pair of 12 el.
Would my 8s and a spotter be better than 12s and a spotter? Would buying 12el first be smarter move. So many glassing options and combos out there in really torn on which way to go about buying glass to fill in the blanks.
Sorry if my post is kind of all over the place.
If you only want to carry one set of binos I’d recommend the 12x. Easier to hand hold and a wider fov. I’ve got both the 12x and 15x. The 15x is reserved for tripod use only.


Feb 14, 2020
North Georgia
I’d like to think most of the gear I would need I already have covered from last years hunt. Boots, pack, sleep system etc. I did sell my tripod head so I would need another one of those before tripod glassing. I feel the 12x may be a better choice since they may get more use than the 15x at home. But neither would really get used much. I wouldn’t think. The 8x slc cover about all I need. Honestly an 8x32 probably would suit me better but I have the slc already. So the new glass Would more less be a western gear item only. A spotter would be nice but Is it needed... It would never get used at home I wouldn’t think. Not for my style hunting the east. I’m not trophy hunting but would like to be able to tell if it’s a decent buck or bull or not.


Jan 22, 2022
I had the 8x42 slc and let a buddy talk be into selling them. Now in a pair of 10 el’s but those 8’s were great.