well, guess these things are real

i hear that tracks were seen and photographed last weekend at wapiti and loud primate like screams were heard. anybody have any details>?
i hear that tracks were seen and photographed last weekend at wapiti and loud primate like screams were heard. anybody have any details>?
Dude. I live here. I own property in Wapiti. I hunted 16 days in September exactly where you say you saw bigfoot. I know all the guides and outfitters. My closest friends live in Wapiti. No one is talking about bigfoot. No one has seen anything.

You must be trolling. Where did you hear this about Wapiti?

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usfw services is supposedly on this case. just going by what I heard. in fact, didn't YOU hear primate like screams wihen you were in this area? if there's snow on the ground, I'd love to have a local like you do a hike and look for and photagraph sign or tracks

what purpose would I have to hoax or troll? I never asked to see this creature and it scared the hell out of us. not going back but I would love to hear about other encounters. if you do return to area, gr fox, please be safe
Paul, that area is HEAVILY hunted. Even in the snow. No one has seen tracks. Wapiti is like a sewing circle. Nothing happens there without everyone knowing.

I'll ask again, where did you hear that tracks were found? Last time you posted here it was to say hunters got a video of a Bigfoot in the same area, where's the video? Where did you hear about that? This is a very small community and no one has heard of any of this, how are you, presumably an out of stater hearing about all of this?

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I just got back from a 4 day back country hunt where the OP claims to have seen squatch. I'm still alive.

Funny story though. One morning after we left our tent, we went to our food hanging / cooking and eating spot about 150 yards away. While I was rummaging through my pack we heard a primate like scream coming from our camp area, so loud it echoed through the entire valley. I immediately thought of this thread. Not sure what it was, but I don't think it was a Squatch.

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Fox, you chide the OP about trolling yet you heard, what's described as a "primate-like scream" was it actually a North American Yeti you heard of where you being punk'd way out there in the wilderness? Sounds like you indeed had an encounter and though you didn't see the creature, it was well aware of your presence

Interesting thread and I do not doubt that there is something out there
Fox, you chide the OP about trolling yet you heard, what's described as a "primate-like scream" was it actually a North American Yeti you heard of where you being punk'd way out there in the wilderness? Sounds like you indeed had an encounter and though you didn't see the creature, it was well aware of your presence

Interesting thread and I do not doubt that there is something out there
Likely a mountain lion, Bob cat, wolf, bear, badger or any of the other dozen animals that we see all the time while out there hunting. I highly doubt it was made by a creature that no one has any proof actually exists.

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Likely a mountain lion, Bob cat, wolf, bear, badger or any of the other dozen animals that we see all the time while out there hunting. I highly doubt it was made by a creature that no one has any proof actually exists.

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you originally described it as "primate-like".......the critters you mentioned ain't no monkeys or an 8' tall monkey man. Heck, your kid is a believer, man....does he watch mountain monsters on TV?
you originally described it as "primate-like".......the critters you mentioned ain't no monkeys or an 8' tall monkey man. Heck, your kid is a believer, man....does he watch mountain monsters on TV?
My kid is 8 years old man. Animals make all sorts of wierd noises. Happy Thanksgiving.

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My kid is 8 years old man. Animals make all sorts of wierd noises. Happy Thanksgiving.

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I thought it was real cool that you took your 8 yr old to the 'site' and real cool that he thinks bigfoot is cool. i don't know if bigfoot is real or not but the OP did say that this creature, 8' tall walked on 2 legs and crossed the river ahead of him. No way would that be mistaken for a small black bear.

sounds like you live real close to this siting, if you have fresh snow you should go back up to the area and poke around. maybe there is something 'out there'.......
Guys, come on. Let's be realistic here. There is no doubt there are creatures in the woods, and some of them make noises that sound like they could be other things. Plus, people have seen things they describe as strange.

Obviously the bigfeet walk among us. The stories only gain credence by being spread by brand new forum members who live nowhere near the sighting area. Don't be dumb.
If i was younger, i often went on recon missions looking for squatch honey holes. After settling down and getting married, looking for strange squatch honey holes can result in getting kicked out of the house so it is best to just stay home
usfw services is supposedly on this case. just going by what I heard. in fact, didn't YOU hear primate like screams wihen you were in this area? if there's snow on the ground, I'd love to have a local like you do a hike and look for and photagraph sign or tracks

what purpose would I have to hoax or troll? I never asked to see this creature and it scared the hell out of us. not going back but I would love to hear about other encounters. if you do return to area, gr fox, please be safe
Just ran across this. I happen to believe you because I saw a similar thing while riding the World famous Skunk Train from Fort Bragg California to Willits 20ish years ago. We were traveling through some thick woods and came to a clearing with a creek in a meadow and what I would describe that looked like a juvenile bigfoot was kneeling down by the creek, stood up when it saw the train and walked into some brush. It was probably 150 yards away and Myself, my son, girlfriend and several others in the car saw it as well.
It was pretty neat, and I always wondered if it was someone F ing around and trying to get a Bigfoot sighting reported to drum up more tourist activity for Fort Bragg or that train. Sure looked real to me though.
I heard from a friend who's working at Pahaska Teepee that large human like footprints have been found in the area, even in the parking lot and supposedly, someone x-country skiing spotted a bigfoot along the river
I saw a squatch getting high off Jenkem once.

At least I assume it was Jenkem, given he was huffing a balloon and there were two liter bottles on the ground…