Welcome to HOWL for Wildlife

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
Super happy to be supporting this org!

If you don't know who they are or what they're doing to protect hunting, it's time!

@Jordan Budd had co-founder, John Stallone (@luckyluciano2 ) on the Rokcast podcast a few weeks back here

and Aron had him and co-founder on the Kifarucast here

And Brian Barney of Eastman's Elevated just launched this HOWL podcast here

You might know John from his long-running podcast Days in the Wild

The other half of the org is Charles Whitwam, you'll see him on here as @Howl For Wildlife

We believe in what they're doing and have opened our platform for them at no charge. You'll see their banner in each Last Post of any forum thread. Be sure and click click click

Please check out what they do and if you think it's a good match, join HOWL. Follow link to their site here

We need an on-the-ground and quick-acting pro-hunting rights organization to quickly answer the challenges that often pop quickly in various legislatures (and almost off the radar of many of our conservation orgs.)

HOWL is set up to act quickly and has already had some significant victories in their short existence.

Here's a quick video

Awesome! I just listened to the Eastman's Elevated podcast with Charles today. Howl has the potential to be one of the most positive influences on hunting legislation out there. Thank you for the time, money, and effort you personally spent on building Howl!
thanks for the heads up, I just edited in EE podcast to lead post.
Sure thing man, from one tech challenged Hunter to another! We like what they do.

If People don’t understand the difference of this or versus some of the others, be sure and listen to one of those podcasts, we really don’t have another organization out there that can fire back as quickly as these guys.

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Joined after hearing about them on Kifarucast. It’s great to have a group that’s very hunter-focused and they make it easy to get involved. We’ll finally have Sunday hunting on public lands in VA! Thanks to everyone who chimed in on that one through HOWL or anywhere else.
Glad we can help, but none of this works without guys like you making your voice heard thanks