Weekend Walkabout


Jun 30, 2012
Elizabeth, CO
Taking Friday off and going to go get lost in the Grand Mesa area around Orchard City. Put in the wrong Unit (411) for my 4th choice for 3rd cow elk and wouldn’t you know I drew it. I have never been down in that area so I figure I will take a few days and see what I see. Seems to be a few lakes around the area so I am bringing the fly rod as well. Anyone ever been in that area and have any suggestions? or want to come along?
thanks TH. I ran into someone that said the same thing. Was thinking about turning in the tag as it might be a little hard on the wife as she has a tag as well.

my little walk about was a bit of an adventure. i was trying to get up to a specific spot to start hiking around and the road turned from a 4 wheel drive road into a 4 wheeler road so i turned around and headed for "the long way" and come in from the top. that turned out to be quite a ride. I have come to the conclusion that my nice long 3/4 ton truck is not very nimble when it comes to navigating the back roads. there were a few times where i had to have the up hill side of the truck on the side of the mountain and became a master of the 6 point turn. So after long and careful consideration the 1983 F-250 plow truck is going under the knife and will be transformed into a back country Elk recovery vehicle. It currently is a regular cab but will be extended to either an extended or crew. current wheel base is 132 but might get chopped, depends on what i do for the bed. Thinking along the lines of a utility bed with refrigerated side boxes. I am working on a mock up and will start a new thread and post later. mean while here are some pic of the trip.

Nice pics. I will be near by in 41 for archery elk. Never been there before but my dad and uncle talked me into it so they could muzzy hunt at the same time. Glad to see some pic of the country. Hope I can find some elk.