Weather App?


Nov 3, 2015
Spanish Fork, UT
What was/is a weather app that you can point to a location and get the forecast for that area. It was discussed briefly on a post, I can't find it. Thanks
I mentioned it somewhere. Storm. It doesn't necessarily give you exact location but closer. For example I search steamboat springs, co after my pin drop it changes to coalmont, co. Which is identical elevation to my area so I'm confident in the temperature forecast. Weather fronts are still a gray area but that's mountain forecast for you. Funny thing is if I just search for coalmont it says no results found. I haven't used the NOAA for awhile because the app didn't function well and the user interface was crap. Storm uses weather underground. Here's a link to how they get there data. I've been happy with it's accuracy Where does Weather Underground get conditions and forecast data from? – Customer Feedback for Weather Underground

The app is good about severe alerts which is obviously signal dependent. But if you have it the lightening alert brings some piece of mind.
I have had very good luck with Scoutlook. Seems strange but it has been by far the best. I have not used Storm and will try it out for sure.