We Support Them, Question is do they stand behind us?

We thought so! Took about 2 months to get all the emails out and a reply back from all companies, it was interesting to see the different responses.
can think of a few more companies that should be contacted, unfortunately for them the bias against them either factually deserving the negative feelings or just lore is lost in the overwhelming negative thoughts towards them. thanks for your efforts, some great reading.
Interesting. I like how you phrased the question, and did not identify yourself as a hunter or anti.

I'm a bit surprised and a little disappointed in some of the neutral responses from some of the compaines that produce some hardcore and very expensive hunting items. If you are going to market and sell me a $400 hunting boot, you should at least have the stones to say you support hunting.
I was really pleased by most of these responses. I use a lot of Mountain Hardwear and I've always kindof wondered their stance on hunting. But being owned by Columbia, I guess it's not surprising. But good to see.

Was surprised to see the Under Armour reply. But I guess it's like asking Nike; they're so freakin huge, they gotta play it 100% beyond safe. Whatever. Not a big UA guy anyway.
Really surprised that darn tough did not respond. Some of the neutral ones suck and I believe I'll shy away from those compaines. Some responses are out right dumb.
I was surprised to about UA, I thought for sure they would be neutral but maybe mention Cam Hanes. But I'm not a huge UA fan either so won't effect me much.
I know! I really think they would of had a supporting response, some of those companies things just don't get to the right department, at least that is what I'm hoping cause I have a TON of Darn Tough Socks and love them!
The neutral responses don't bother me. That's just business. They announce they love seeing their gear with elk blood on it and it PITA and HSUS blows them up on FB. Just as long as it's not a negative response. I don't remember who it was now, but a few years ago there was a clothing company or boot company that said something on FB about their products are not to be used in the killing of defenseless animals. Sucks I can't remember who it was.
I would be interested to see what some of the UA sponsored hunters (Cameron Hanes, Eva Shockey) would have to say from seeing a response like that. More than likely wouldn't care but you would think they would have something a bit less corporate to say on the matter. Would like to see some more responses from different companies. Good article!
Cool experiment, but why'd you even contact The North Face? They ceased being an outdoor company years ago when morphed to an urban hipster clothing line when their name started to = $.

Very happy to see Mountain House and Mountain Hardware had the guts to take a stand. A lot of those "neutral" responses come off negative to me. Disappointed, but not surprised by a lack of response from Garmin, Jetboil, Marmot, and MSR.

Kinda funny to read Patagonia's response. As far as synthetics go, their clothes are fantastic. Their response though, could have read, "hunting is ok as long as your name is 'Crow' and you live in the 14th century and hunt exclusively with a self-bow."
Great idea...thanks for letting us in on it. I get that corporations are best staying neutral but it was nice to see some of the companies take the time to craft a respectful response...some surprisingly positive- loved the vegan comment!

No surprise North Face blew off hunting.....
I'm guessing when they read a question like that, the person would just assume it was posed by an anti-hunter and therefore take the safe route so as not to stir the pot. While I agree it would've been nice to see them stand up for what they believe in, I'm sure if the question were posed to where you had identified yourself as a hunter or at least pro-hunting, some of the the responses would've been different. But then I guess that would defeat the purpose of the experiment.