Anyone know where to get water resistant cord? I want to replace the 550 cord guylines on my tarp with something that doesn't absorb water.
I replaced all my guy lines with kevlar based fishing line. I replaced the stuff on my reels every year and never could figure out what to do with it. Then it hit me. Its white so its easy to see. 120 pound test and very light and has a small diameter. I havn't had any issues of it fraying or other.
I have to figure that being kevlar it would be great to the elements. And isn't fishing line suppposed to get wet if your doing things right???? LOL
I still have a ton if you want me to send you some.
I think 550 is about 5oz per 50ft and this stuff is 1 oz per 50
Is there another hi-viz Dyneema cord in the 2mm range that does have the reflective tracer?dyneema iron wire.