Warning: Public lands and political wormholes


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
Public lands are a major contributing factor to the majority of members on Rokslide.

Having Public lands discussion threads for bouncing ideas off other members is vital to making informed decisions on factors that impact Public lands. These are stand alone issues and should not involve a entire work around so someone can post thier political idealogy.

If you can't support an argument without the use of-

Right or left
Liberal or Conservative
Red or Blue

Likely your making an ideological appeal rather than informed deductive argument and should STRONGLY reconsider how you've worded your opinion.

Stop being that guy. Take a moment, collect your thoughts and present your argument intelligently.

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Thanks mods. It's important stuff and without keyboards that turn into tasers I don't know how best to keep people focused.
Let em duke it out. My biggest gripe about forums is moderation. Let it devolve into chaos.
The forum goes into chaos, and no matter what is talked about, folks will be bitter and take jabs at each other any chance they get once you bring politics in and allow it to become a free for all.

Hunting forums are already a hard forum to moderate, adding politics to it will kill the forum. It turns into a big dick measuring contest with no other value to the forum.
It doesn't really matter what one's ideologies are (unless being in debt is an ideology), with the fact that our nation is almost 40 trillion in debt. We are getting to the point where we could cut budgets to the bone and still not be able to pay all that debt off. At that point.....everything is on the table.
I assume your advertising revenue is based on users/views/time spent etc.

Instead of restricting political dust ups, and banning political posters give them their own room. ( forum)

Make all political discussions stay in there. You'll have morons in there arguing all day, and night.

Moderators don't have to be nazis.
Outdoorsmen who like argue can stay.
More money for the cause.

Make all political discussions stay in there. You'll have morons in there arguing all day, and night.
I've never seen a forum work like this. And the hate between forum users who use the political forum keep their cancer in other forums. Considering if people can't obey the rules now of no politics, they won't obey it then either.
I've never seen a forum work like this. And the hate between forum users who use the political forum keep their cancer in other forums.
This. I’m sure many/most are aware of another large hunting forum who has a separate forum for politics. That forum has become a place for vile insults and racism. I’m not saying that because I’ve been beat up there, I haven’t because I don’t engage. I do go there regularly to see what the extremists and tin foil hat crew are pounding the table about. I think that unmoderated political forums draw that crowd. One of the things I like best about Rokslide is having that kept in check. It’s nice to have a site for hunting/shooting/ outdoors without the political feces. Plenty of other places for the feces slinging.
Thanks for the reminder/advice @realunlucky . May I respectfully ask that the mid-thread warnings are given equally to both sides of the political spectrum. I've noticed too many given to one side over the other, when the language and tone typically used by the ones not being given warning is a bit more reproachable.
Thanks for the reminder/advice @realunlucky . May I respectfully ask that the mid-thread warnings are given equally to both sides of the political spectrum. I've noticed too many given to one side over the other, when the language and tone typically used by the ones not being given warning is a bit more reproachable.
Everyone has underlying basis. Spreading the workload across the entire moderating team should help balance out the basis scale.

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A big part of what's wrong with this country right now is people aren't allowed to have discussions about their views. So many are too sensitive to deal with someone disagreeing so censorship happens. I understand the forums reasons, but I don't like it here or anywhere else.