WTB Wanted: Kifaru Universal Gun Bearer - Long Strap Version


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Apr 20, 2017
Northern Minnesota
I'm interested in trying the Kifaru Universal Gun Bearer (long strap version) if you have one that you are not using and are willing to part with. I would prefer a recent version in like new condition from a non-smoking home. I'm willing to pay a fair price and will include a $10 off $20 purchase at Cabela's / Bass Pro Coupon in the deal as an added incentive. Thanks for your consideration.
I’ve got a Kifaru gun bearer that I’ve not used.
Not sure if it’s long strap version
And not sure if it’s the latest version
I bought it used a year ago and it was advertised as a universal gun bearer. Pm cell if u want pics to see if it’s what you are after
I looked at web site. I don’t think mines the latest version. Mine attaches to molle on the belt w 3 bar sliders like a pic they have of the replacement parts
Thanks, Tuscaoka. The one you have is likely the one specifically for the Kifaru packs that have molle attachments on the waist belt. My pack - MR Pintler - does not have the molle. I'll PM you so we can talk.
Update: I've actually gone ahead and just yesterday ordered two of the universal top pieces with the clip from Kifaru and will be making my own gun bearer...along with another for a friend!