Waistbelt comparisons

Dec 1, 2012
Looking for feedback...I'm an SG Krux frame user. It has hauled meat for me very well but not over long distances yet. I hauled it today with about 20# for eight 8hrs at a theme park today and my hips were hurting a bit. I think that's probably common since I haven't had it on for that many consecutive hours before.

Any thoughts on other waistbelts for comparison?
I use kifaru and haven't ever had any issues with my hips hurting. And I've packed 150# + for miles. That said, you might just need to tweak it a bit because I know SG makes a good pack. But also a good possibility is your hips are not used to it. A person who isn't used to walking 15 miles in a day is going to have sore feet with even the best of boots, broken in and everything. I'd guess a bit of adjusting and having your body accustom itself to that, and you'd be good to go!
20lbs on the Krux frame shouldn't even be noticeable, even after 8 hours. I'd give Kurt a call and make sure you have it all set up correctly for you.
I made some adjustments at lunch yestersay and I think this may have it taken care of. So far so good and I have about 8 hrs on this cutrent setup. But I'll need to test it under 60-70# too.
That's likely it. I made a couple of adjustments to mine [SG] this year between a bowhunt and rifle hunt. Could hardly feel the pack during the rifle hunt.
Today's verdict..carried it for about 8 hrs (approximately) again and had no issues. W/ yesterday's adjustment, I made absolutely certain that my waistbelt seam was truly riding on my illiac crest-- think I had it just a bit low so my waist was 'crimped' if you would. Today, the belt seemed to sink right into place on too of the crest. I believe I hit the sweet spot. It was a nice carry but my legs need more training under more weight. And that's unrelated to the pack. :)) I appreciate the replies everyone.
Meant to also say that after tomorrow, I'll have four long days on my feet with 20ish#. It's definitely taught me a lot more about wearing packs that I didn't realize. Good experience.