WA mule deer gear list

Jul 10, 2012
eatonvile, wa
ok, so id like to cut a little more weight off my set up but im having a hard time losing anything so lets have it, beat up my list. here it is. 4 days, mid septemper, WA mule deer.
its out of my spread sheet so thats why weights list twice. ive deleted items not packed.

Item Weight (oz) pack weight
map 1.4 1.4
pack 128.48 129
sleepbag 45.12 45.12
sleeppad 26/14.4 26
pillow case 1.75 1.75
shangri la 56 56
camelback 107.84 108
water bottle 6.4 6.4
spindrift 13.92 13.92
raincoat 13.12 13.12
rainpants 13.76 13.76
long johns 18 18
stocking hat0.96 0.96
gaiters 11.2 11.2
1/4 zip 10 10
gloves 1.6 1.6
spare socks 4.55 4.55
lens pen 0.7 0.7
scope 36.32 36.32
tripod 25.44 25.44
rangefinder 7.36 7.36
camera/case18.08 18.08
meat kit 10.56 10.56
knife w/blades 2.9 2.9
knife2 3.52 3.52
headlamp 4.32 4.32
mess kit/fuel 15.25 15.25
stove/spork 8.35 0.35
emerg kit 11.5 11.5
toiletries 20.2 20.2
filter 12.16 12.16
food per day 24 96
gps/pouch 9.44 9.44
ammo 4.65 4.65
rifle 110.08 110
gunslinger 4.85 4.85
trekking poles 19.84
bug spray 2.9 2.9
total oz 855.88
total pounds 53.4925
note* charge camera

clothes and sacks:
clothes worn in

ascent pants 17.12
redram tee
185 zip 10.0
liner socks 1.6
midweight socks 3.0
billed hat
stuff sack black
goretex socks 2.88
1/4 zip 11.15
gloves 1.6
stocking hat .96
gaiters 11.2
bandana 1.12
dry comp sack
sleeping bag
pillow case
liner socks
midwt socks
lj top
lj bottom
meat kit 10.56
2) game bags
contractor bag
latex gloves
4) legs lashings
emergency kit 11.5
duct tape
elec tape
vaseline balls in foil
iodine tabs
space blanket
50ft 550 cord
toiletries 20.2
contac wash
spare contacs
advil pm
baby wipes
gold bond
q tip
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That is a pretty concise list. My suggestions: drop the pillow case and sleep on the spindrift/stuff sack, leave the trekking poles, electrical tape, bandana and gaiters. I have got by without having those items but if you want them then take them.
ok, so id like to cut a little more weight off my set up but im having a hard time losing anything so lets have it, beat up my list. here it is. 4 days, mid septemper, WA mule deer.
its out of my spread sheet so thats why weights list twice. ive deleted items not packed.

Item Weight (oz) pack weight
map 1.4 1.4
pack 128.48 129
sleepbag 45.12 45.12
sleeppad 26/14.4 26

shangri la 56 56

water bottle 6.4 6.4
spindrift 13.92 13.92
raincoat 13.12 13.12
rainpants 13.76 13.76
long johns 18 18
stocking hat0.96 0.96

1/4 zip 10 10
gloves 1.6 1.6
spare socks 4.55 4.55

scope 36.32 36.32
tripod 25.44 25.44
rangefinder 7.36 7.36
camera/case18.08 18.08

meat kit 10.56 10.56
knife w/blades 2.9 2.9

headlamp 4.32 4.32
mess kit/fuel 15.25 15.25
stove/spork 8.35 0.35

toiletries 20.2 20.2

food per day 24 96

ammo 4.65 4.65
rifle 110.08 110
gunslinger 4.85 4.85

bug spray 2.9 2.9
total oz 855.88
total pounds 53.4925
note* charge camera

clothes and sacks:
clothes worn in

ascent pants 17.12
redram tee
185 zip 10.0

midweight socks 3.0
billed hat
stuff sack black

1/4 zip 11.15
gloves 1.6
stocking hat .96

dry comp sack
sleeping bag

midwt socks
lj top
lj bottom

meat kit 10.56
2) game bags

emergency kit 11.5

elec tape

toiletries 20.2





Your list looks pretty good. I deleted the items that I don't take. People are different and are comfortable taking different things. So if you think you need it, take it.
One cool thing that I found this year is the little Scope onetime use toothbrushes with built in tooth paste and a tooth pick. They come in 2 packs at the grocery store.
Good luck up there. I'll be heading up there myself for 5 days to a new area.

That looks like my list,and my weight. I wouldn't change any thing, I'm not planning too. Maybe I'll see you in the high country.
id love to get under the 50lb mark. day3 of my last scouting trip i felt like i was running up the peaks and i weighed my pack when i got home at 44lbs, really made a difference on my pace...
dang man, no pit stick?

you going on a date up there? it doesnt matter what you where the animals can smell you. if you can keep the wind and stand your own smell you should be fine.im going 2 weeks and not bringing any. any one wanna bunk with me?
its in there. 53.49. i don't like to add it up either thats why the spreadsheet has 2 columns. ones the items weight, and i add it in the 2nd column to show its packed and it adds the weight to total pack weight at the bottom