VXR vs V3X vs Phase 4


Jan 14, 2025
Hey y'all,
I'm looking to get a new bow in the next few months and I am trying to whittle down the search. I have pretty much decided between a matthews VXR, V3X, or a Phase 4. I have been shooting archery since I was a kid and have recently started shooting my dad's old DXR and am looking to get something of my own. I want something that I can grow into as I am just going into college and I see many archery hunts ahead of me. I will probably get the V3X or the Phase 4 but I don't really see a large difference between the two. The V3X is only a year older and I can probably get it for a much better deal. Does anyone have any advice about which bow to pick out of these or possibly a bow I have not looked at yet? Looking to stick to Matthews just because I know and trust the brand.
Thanks in advance
I'm admittedly biased against Mathews because I'm under 260 pounds and don't have a big IG following but I can't tell a difference from the Halon to the LiftX they all feel and shoot exactly the same.
Whichever one feels better man. Which ever ATA you like better. I like my VXR 31.5 but I wish I had a 33-34 ATA, personal preference. All are good bows and will do the exact same things no matter what the bow companies tell you each year!

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The last matthews I had was a 31 or whatever VXR. It was a good bow but I just couldn't shoot it for shit. Not an uncommon problem it seems. Before that I was shooting a No-Cam and that thing was the most forgiving bow I've ever used. Should have never sold it.

Now I use a RX7 Ultra and I can shoot it a bit better but I'm past the point of chasing new bow models and playing that game. I'll keep the RX7 until something big comes along to make me want to change. I wish more companies would implement the deadlock cam tuning system. I'd buy a new bow if more had that feature. It's a pain to chase a tune and press the bow.
Have them all myself and of the 3 I like my VXR 28 the best now I did just get the Lift x 29.5 and like it more. I have a 29 inch draw and the string angle never bothered me and I shoot that 28 inch bow out to a 100 all the time zero issues. But if it was my money I’d get the newest one that I could afford or get the VXR and have some money left over for other things for the bow like maybe new strings etc..you won’t go wrong with any of them… good luck

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They all have the same cam, it's just deciding on what ATA you want. If integrated accessories are important to you. I do like the centered cable guard that started with the V3, gives dead level vertical nock travel.

I'd probably choose a V3X 33 out of the 4 years, just because it should be cheaper than a phase 4,and I prefer the 33's to the 31's.

I do prefer the Lift over the v3x or phase4.

If you don't want a 33", I'd probably pick up a V3 for cheap.

I think the machined axle blocks have eased the pressure on the bearings. People were over tightening the axles, causing a lot of the bearing issues, so that's a benefit to the Lift series. It's not difficult to replace the bearings tho, however need a press and some hand tools.
The last matthews I had was a 31 or whatever VXR. It was a good bow but I just couldn't shoot it for shit. Not an uncommon problem it seems. Before that I was shooting a No-Cam and that thing was the most forgiving bow I've ever used. Should have never sold it.

Now I use a RX7 Ultra and I can shoot it a bit better but I'm past the point of chasing new bow models and playing that game. I'll keep the RX7 until something big comes along to make me want to change. I wish more companies would implement the deadlock cam tuning system. I'd buy a new bow if more had that feature. It's a pain to chase a tune and press the bow.
Thanks for the advice! I’m not familiar with the deadlock cam tuning system what is that?
Have them all myself and of the 3 I like my VXR 28 the best now I did just get the Lift x 29.5 and like it more. I have a 29 inch draw and the string angle never bothered me and I shoot that 28 inch bow out to a 100 all the time zero issues. But if it was my money I’d get the newest one that I could afford or get the VXR and have some money left over for other things for the bow like maybe new strings etc..you won’t go wrong with any of them… good luck

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Yeah I prefer the shorter ATA bows we well. Something about the whole package being small and convenient is awesome. Thanks for the advice man!