I continued to have issues with mine through antelope season and on my goat hunt. When comparing it to Justin Davis' Leupold I was very impressed with the Leupold he had. Super fast, accurate readings - if I were doing it over again I'd look at that or the Leica. However, I told Vortex about my issues -- and the thing with Vortex is I so badly want to love their stuff due to their great staff, bomber warranty, and overall company -- and they were super cool and sent me a brand new one. I'll see how it works. I am surprised on the laser they chose as it seems to take a touch longer to read than my old Nikon Monarch that never gave a mis-read and was almost instant reading after pressing the button. Same with Leupold. The Vortex has a funky lag on it. When I mentioned this to the folks at Vortex they did get a little defensive but hey, I was just trying to give them honest feedback.
I have a late season Elk hunt I'm helping a buddy on in December so hopefully I'll get a chance to put the new Ranger through it's paces.