Vortex Rangefinder

I used Aron's a little bit on our last hunt. It worked pretty well and it has plenty of adjustability in display light, what is displayed and how it is displayed. It was also as you said, built very well and seemed very solid in design. Another nice feature is that it is pretty small, but still easy to handle. I don't think you will be disappointed.
I initially bought the Vortex rf a couple weeks ago and had a chance to hunt with it a few times. I was very impressed with it at first at shorter distances however, I had a chance to get up on a hill where I could range some houses at a distance (~300 to 700 yards) and I could not get a consistent reading. When ranging houses at this distance I would get readings like 687, 50, 135, and so on on the same house. Nothing was consistent or even close. I found this unacceptable for the amount I spent on what should be a 1000 yard rf. Maybe I got a lemon cause others seem to really like theirs. The rf looks and feels great and I really hoped it would work good but in the end I returned it for the Leupold 1000i TBR and am very satisfied.
I also returned mine. The first one was off 3 yrd at 30. The next one would give me different readings when I ranged my van. If I ranged my tire vs ranging the side of it. I was only 20 yrds away and the different readings were 3 yrds different. Maybie I just got a couple bad ones. I liked everything else about it.
I did really like everything else about it. And customer service was great so no worries there. Ya if its off a bit no big deal if sighted to your bow. I just got nervous with the different readings. I think the shiney side of the van versus the flat black on the tire may have messed with it but I just couldn't feel confident in it when it did that.
We had to buy a new range finder on our hunt in Wyoming.the guy at sportsman warehouse told us that the practical distance is actually half of what the units are rated for. Ie 1000 yds is actually reliable put to 500 yds. I am not sure if this is true or not but just a bit of info that may help.
Not to pile it on but I have one and have had problems. Lots of 0 readings, when I range it just comes back at "-----". This is all stuff 40-150 in perfect conditions so it should never happen. Called Vortex they couldn't have been a more responsive company, sent me shipping labels, and were in constant contact through the examination of the range finder. They said it was working perfectly asked me what I wanted to do and I had them send it back to me. Again got some errors in the readings. I was about to throw it off a cliff when I realized that I always range with my right hand and my release may be getting in the way of the sensor. This is just a theory and I haven't used it since. I'll be taking it antelope (long range testing) and goat hunting here in October --

I really want this thing to work awesome because I dig the company but in the end, cracking the code on Rangefinders may be a touch harder than it appears. If it's finicky on the next two hunts I'm going to turn it in for good. I'll report back.
I was at cabelas and really wanted to like the Vortex but even the employee said Vortex themselves were not "happy" with accuracy especially out past 400 yards. With their warranty of 25 yrs they will kill in that market if they can produce something of better quality. I think they will its just the first year and i would wait till 2 or 3rd runs come out of that product. I went with the leoupold BRX 1000 and it was ok but too much going on in the screen. Gonna take it back and hold out for the Leica or next years Vortex
man, sucks to hear bad reviews.....i had plans to try and have one for next season.....major bummer, hopefully they get the issues worked out!
Funny that I see this today as I just bought a rangefinder and had my heart set on the Vortex. I love the company and have a pair of razor 10x42's, kaibabs and the razor hd spotter.

The ranger rangefinder just flat didn't pass the test. I got it out at Bass Pro and at Sportsmans Warehouse and in both places the Vortex was off by as much as 3 yards at 50 yards. I compare it with the nikons and the Leupolds and the other rangefinders were very consistent. The Vortex was all over the place.

I ended up with the Leupold rx-1000i and think that it will work well for my intended use
Wow! Can't believe the issues here! We have 3 of them & range very consistent with all of them. We range deer, elk & trees to 800yds regularly. It ranges close stuff as well with no issues. If you feel you have one that isn't up to par contact Vortex they will take care of it immediately! I've sold many of them & so far I have not received one complaint, many on here have picked them up from us! Again, any issues contact Vortex they will make it right!

I too am hoping Vortex works out the kinks. I worked at a archery shop when Bushnell first released their laser range finder. We couldn't keep them in stock, and almost every single unit we sold the first few months had to go back. I say give them some time, they will straighten it out. It's either that or get the Leica 1600B
I continued to have issues with mine through antelope season and on my goat hunt. When comparing it to Justin Davis' Leupold I was very impressed with the Leupold he had. Super fast, accurate readings - if I were doing it over again I'd look at that or the Leica. However, I told Vortex about my issues -- and the thing with Vortex is I so badly want to love their stuff due to their great staff, bomber warranty, and overall company -- and they were super cool and sent me a brand new one. I'll see how it works. I am surprised on the laser they chose as it seems to take a touch longer to read than my old Nikon Monarch that never gave a mis-read and was almost instant reading after pressing the button. Same with Leupold. The Vortex has a funky lag on it. When I mentioned this to the folks at Vortex they did get a little defensive but hey, I was just trying to give them honest feedback.

I have a late season Elk hunt I'm helping a buddy on in December so hopefully I'll get a chance to put the new Ranger through it's paces.