I"m in my mid 60's and my eye sight is not what it once was. I had RK surgery back in the late 90's. Do suffer from an astigmatism and use 2.0 reading glasses most all the time. I'm right eye domminate and that is the weeker eye. Recently, I got a opportunity to look thru a "Verifier Peep" at a local bow shop. Wow! This could be a game changer for me. I live in Louisiana and have applied to hunt in Wyoming, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado in recent years. I have also hunted in Montana twice, and Idaho once, be it years ago. Can I utilize an archery verifier peep in these states. How about installing one in a Lyman peep sight on a muzzleloader? I put this question to the Brain trust here at RokSlide .Let me hear you thoughts?