Velvet care?

If you're wanting to get a buck mounted with velvet on the antlers, another option would be to strip the velvet and have artificial velvet applied by the taxidermist. A buddy did this a few years ago, turned out great and looks real.
Formaldehyde injection in the field and then professionally freeze dried... if you want to do it right. Anything topical will not prevent the blood from rotting. That's the way I do it. Ed F

Many questions for you...
Where can I buy this?
Do you use a needle+syringe or just a syringe?
Does this affect measurements and eligibility for record books?

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Many questions for you...
Where can I buy this?
Do you use a needle+syringe or just a syringe?
Does this affect measurements and eligibility for record books?

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Will not affect P&Y, but needs to be stripped for B&C.

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Chemical supply companies
16ga needle and syringe from a horse supply shop
No, it does not effect P&Y entry. Neither does freeze drying.

Ed F

Thanks for the reply...unfortunately, I didn’t pull my first choice tag and will be hunting hard antlered dates. There’s always next year!

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If you're wanting to get a buck mounted with velvet on the antlers, another option would be to strip the velvet and have artificial velvet applied by the taxidermist. A buddy did this a few years ago, turned out great and looks real.
Usually you can spot fake velvet on horns from a mile away. I'd do everything to preserve the real stuff first.

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My velvet buck was not killed in the back country- but depending on how far you are in- I would think you would have about 24-36 hours to get the buck out and to a taxi if you can arrange it that way- do your best not to touch it too much. Just another option as the few out of state or way upstate hunts I have done I found a goos taxi locally and made sure he was ready if/when we killed something .