I've got a fairly long draw length, around 32". Along the way I've shared some chronographed velocity numbers that are pretty fast. Some have suggested to me that maybe my chrono is off. It got me thinking, and I decided to run some velocity numbers at different draw lengths.
Using a 60", 50# @ 28" Bodnik Slikc Stick, and a 510 grain arrow, I tested velocity at 26", 28", 30", and 32". Here are the numbers, and a little vid for anyone interested.
26" draw - 155 fps
28" draw - 169 fps
30" draw - 181 fps
32" draw - 199 fps
My takeaway is that my numbers are fairly accurate. Speeds at the shorter draw lengths seem pretty consistent with info I have seen along the way.
Using a 60", 50# @ 28" Bodnik Slikc Stick, and a 510 grain arrow, I tested velocity at 26", 28", 30", and 32". Here are the numbers, and a little vid for anyone interested.
26" draw - 155 fps
28" draw - 169 fps
30" draw - 181 fps
32" draw - 199 fps
My takeaway is that my numbers are fairly accurate. Speeds at the shorter draw lengths seem pretty consistent with info I have seen along the way.