Vargo Bot/anyone use these to pre soak and then heat dehydrated meals ?

Feb 15, 2021
OK , so I will try this again. How do you guys that eat mostly home dehydrated food ,rehydrate and heat your meals. I used a MSR pocket rocket deluze stove and heated my water in a cheap stainless steel mug then poured into a GSI fair share bowl with my dehydrated meals. This bowl has a screw on lid with a gasket but weighs about 8 oz. on it's own. Typically it took around 15 minutes to rehydrate. I am looking to make this quicker and cut weight/bulk. I figured out the cold soak idea on a backpacking light forum. Do any of you cold soak your dehydrated food to speed up supper once you get to your camp ?


May 15, 2021
Ive tried it but you risk burning the food on the bottom I do use the insulated sleeve though and cut a space for my mouth to drink coffee with it on.
If you are cooking something that can be cold soaked you don't need the water to be that hot so you will save fuel with 160 degree water opposed to boiling water. I only use the one pot for everything and just clean it with a lightload towell. If i do have a dehydrated meal i remove it from the packaging and rehydrate in the pot One thing that is works well with the bot is powdered milk because you can shake it to mix. You can also add butter to coffee and get it to homogenize when you shake it just let it cool off a bit or it turns into a bomb. I love the bot its a good way to get a little extra water carry in.
Feb 15, 2021
Yeah a lot of uses beyond just the pot on a stove. extra container for water, anything you need to keep dry in your pack etc. The only hang up for me is the price. Essentially nothing more than a pot with a screw on lid and silicone o ring ,yet three times more than a comparable sized Toaks. But it is more versatile and would be lighter than what I use now.