V3X 29 or 33 for a 27.5" draw - recommendation?


Jun 16, 2017
I am looking for any advice for anyone w/ a shorter draw length and getting into a new bow.
I have the ability to get a good price on a new Mathews - but I am leftie so unfortunately no bow shops within a few hours of me have anything on hand to test out.
I have a 27.5 inch draw - I have been shooting the Halon 5 and really enjoyed it but wanting to upgrade this year.
I know the 33 only goes down to a 27" draw - where as the 29 goes down to a 25.5" draw.
Anyone w/ a shorter draw shoot both bows and have a preference? I liked the idea of maybe trying a longer axle to axle bow as seems like people say they are a bit more forgiving - but at the same time a shorter bow will be easier to pack around.
Anyone shoot both and have a preference? I know for longer draw lengths most seem to prefer the 33 but curious for any feedback for people w/ under a 28" draw have experienced. TIA!
May 6, 2018
Shenandoah Valley
I shot both, I prefer longer bows however the 29 was very tempting. I'm currently shooting 28.5 on the 33. If I was a 27.5 I think I'd definitely go for the 29 for a hunting bow.

That 29 felt a lot longer than what it was. Personally I see a lot of advantages for the shortest bow you can make work for hunting, and I shoot some long bows for competition. Generally the hindrance of accuracy is not to a degree that is really relevant for hunting, the speed/energy is always beneficial, then you get weight savings also.

The 29 is a really nice bow, probably where I should have ended up for a hunting bow.
May 18, 2019
Did not shoot the 29, but did hold and ogle at a shop. It balanced in my hand better than any bow I've held. It just felt right is the only way to explain. I am short draw guy also so it is added to my list of used bows to look at in a couple of years.
Feb 3, 2014
Boundary Co. Idaho
Lefty. Just shot both. All my prior bows have been 33"-36". I shot the dinky 29 maybe 3 arrows. Didn't like it at ALL. String angle was crazy. Draw cycle different. Shooting experience was different. Walked out with the 33 and it was pretty much a No Brainer. I am a set in stone (right?) 28" DL. Left with a 27.5" mod and it feels perfect. D Loop is very short also. FWIW


May 29, 2019
The 3 to 4 inches saved on the bow is really nothing. For me, I would not choose based on this. I would shoot both if possible. But if I couldn't, I would choose the longer ATA. Your #1 goal when shooting a bow is accuracy. Forgiveness.

Secondly, if you have ever shot both, there is a dramatic difference in string angle. Which seems like it's not a big deal, but to me it is.

Too many benefits of the longer ATA for me to choose the shorter one.

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Jan 30, 2019
If I were you, I'd go with the 29", here's why.
Your short draw length. This bow becomes less than ideal for longer draw, not your problem.

The string angle mentioned, is much less with a short draw.
Not everyone can shoot a 5" brace height, like you are with the Halon 5. The 29" comes has a more forgiving brace height (6") than your Halon. You'll enjoy the upgrade in accuracy going to a new bow in 6".
You'll lose a bit more power still with the 33", due the the extra 1/2" brace height (6 1/2"), and the ATA length is not needed, due to your draw length.
Mar 12, 2021
Im at 28 for draw lenght and i went with a 29 v3x . Im generally not a fan of longer bows tho; id shoot both


Mar 3, 2020
I own both V3X's and I really enjoy shooting them both! The 33 holds rock steady and is a tack driver when I do my part. I'm really looking forward to taking it to TAC this year! The 29 will be a sweet treestand bow and holds like a longer bow to me. It has a little more feedback on the shot, but is still very quiet. I am shooting them both with 28"/80% mods. My draw length is 28 3/8"- 28.5" and they both fit me perfectly. The string angle on the 29 is not an issue.


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