Utahns won't get hunting, fishing licenses because of unpaid child support.


Sep 6, 2014
If your not prepared to have a child and raise it stay out of a intimate relationship. If you have a child it should not take a government imposed mandate to make you take care of your child. In addition to that to further the burden on to the taxpayer by imprisoning those who are already delinquent on child support is among the most asinine things I've ever seen.

If you think the government does a good job and we need more bureaucratic influence in our lives you are certainly not only sheltered, but blind.

I grew up in poverty, extreme poverty for 1990s-2000s US standards, no running water or electric for a good portion of my childhood, I worked my butt off to never have to be in that position again nor will any of my children/grandchildren in the future if they live right. This was through no fault of my parents but a corrupt justice system that would imprison my father for defending his family, causing all income to the home to cease and drain the savings they had to hire a lawyer to fight a corrupt prosecutor, which they were acquitted but still owed the lawyer 20+ thousand dollars in addition to having income cease for 12 months.

The government is awful at everything they do and shouldn't have to go sticking there nose in familial matters.
In a perfect world, sure, parents would do what is right. But here we are.


Nov 23, 2020
In a perfect world, sure, parents would do what is right. But here we are.
I just don't think more red tape is the answer, especially on something that furthers the burden on the taxpayer and not the person trying to stick up their child.

Some solutions I would have, firstly stop treating sex as transactional and polygamy as normal and raise your children not to participate in such things.

If they do participate in such things and have to face the results of their actions they need to be prepared to take it on as a single parent and know full well that could happen before hand. (Not saying to live your kid high and dry but they should expect such if the situation arises, obviously you shouldn't have a starving infant and mother/father on the street)

Hold the parent that leaves the relationship as responsible, a lot of my friends parents who were "supported" by child support skated by with making near zero fiscal contribution and also they were detached from raising their child and looked at the CS as their only obligation.

I'm not sure how else to hold them responsible other than community backlash, which would essentially have the same effect as a govt mandate with no taxpayer burden.

The current system fails, and a few people generationally live off child support and disability/wic that I personally know. I live in the poorest state in the us, it breaks my heart to see it being perpetuated even further, eventually someone has to pull the band-aid off we can't keep operating at such a massive deficit for much longer. Eventually the free money runs outs.

We live in a world where people get sucked in to the debt train and can never escape. People live beyond their means, have to have the newest $2000 phone, the $100 jeans $500 shoes $50000 car etc to look rich but it's a facade. Many of these same people live on CS and state benefits including medical cards, wic, etc..

I don't have all the answers on it but that's my .02¢ I'm sure it's worth about .01¢>
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Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
I'm fine with it. People should not generally be allowed to duck the responsibility that comes with the creation of a child (the argument for adoption should focuse on the wellbeing of the child, not the convenience afforded the biological parents by the transfer of responsibility).

In any society of more than a few hundred people government represents an organized attempt at collective memory and community backlash. It is not perfect, but it is a lot better than unorganized attempts. And, even small, isolated communities have some form of authority structure.

I have seen enough of humanities underbelly that I laugh and think of Lord of the Flies every time someone uses personal responsibility as a silver bullet to end discussion of how to hold someone personally accountable for their actions. Don't get me wrong, somethings society (government) should stay out of or have a very light touch in, but they need arguments specific to the issue, not something so broad that I could use it to argue against holding a murder to account.

That argument can correctly be flipped. In that form it would be: somethings society should get involved in, but those issues need arguments specific to them.

There is a balance between enough government and too much government. A heathy debate around that balance is essential to maintaining it. Government, like a gun, is just a tool. How people use it determines if it is a tool for good or ill and the user, not the tool, must be held to account. Of course, some tools (i.e. secret police) are so limited in scope and so subject to misuse that their very existence is unacceptable regardless of how they are employed at the moment in question.


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
SD has been doing it for years. I don't have a problem with it. The kids need to be supported. I hat it that life happens with good people. That doesn't excuse not supporting your children. It's not like they were willing participants to get involved with your life.

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Sep 8, 2020
My atty told me the reason states are so hard on dead beats is to keep people off the welfare system. For years I paid 1/3 of my take home pay in cs. My ex remarried and between them two, they were making more than my wife and I. And cs is non taxable income, so she was receiving nearly 12k a year tax free. You just need to get to the realization that it's for your kids and block out all the ex's vacations and nice vehicles lol
This sounds too eerily familiar. :) You are right though, you just need to get to a point where you tell yourself it's for your kid/kids and block out all the other stuff or you will drive yourself mad and be too miserable too often.


Mar 16, 2016
Tough one for me. I cant help but think of the parents that are trying to make their payments but don't have the funds that maybe use hunting as a means of survival. How many people wont be able to buy a license and tag to kill an elk just for meat to live off every year?

While overall I support the decision made, I do worry that sometimes we lose sight of the fact that a lot of people hunt for meat and meat only. Its a means of survival for them. My mom grew up very poor, like no running water until she was in kindergarten poor and she isn't that old. Elk season for my grandpa was when they ran out of meat and his family was going to go hungry. It wasn't a matter of horns on the wall for him. It was surviving.


Sep 6, 2014
Tough one for me. I cant help but think of the parents that are trying to make their payments but don't have the funds that maybe use hunting as a means of survival. How many people wont be able to buy a license and tag to kill an elk just for meat to live off every year?

While overall I support the decision made, I do worry that sometimes we lose sight of the fact that a lot of people hunt for meat and meat only. Its a means of survival for them. My mom grew up very poor, like no running water until she was in kindergarten poor and she isn't that old. Elk season for my grandpa was when they ran out of meat and his family was going to go hungry. It wasn't a matter of horns on the wall for him. It was surviving.
I find that to be a stretch. The cost of tags, lic, guns, ammo, bow, gear, truck, etc, cost a lot more than buying meat at the store. Not saying it isn't possible, just unlikely.

1stSgt M

Apr 2, 2021
If you can afford your license and all it really cost to hunt or fish you dam well can afford to pay support. I don't want government in family matters but guys that aren't taking care of their kids are going to force those kids into the system.


Mar 16, 2016
I find that to be a stretch. The cost of tags, lic, guns, ammo, bow, gear, truck, etc, cost a lot more than buying meat at the store. Not saying it isn't possible, just unlikely.
What to be a stretch?

You don’t need 1000s of dollars worth of gear to kill things. I hunted with a guy that killed an elk every year with a 200 dollar rifle scope combo, tennis shoes and a Ford escort for transportation.

the only thing you would need outside of normal day living to hunt elk in Utah is a gun, ammo, license and tag. Leaving a gun out of the equation because you don’t have to buy one every year. A license in Utah is 15 bucks, tag is 50 and a box of ammo is 20. So feasibly you could hunt for 85 bucks a year in Utah. An elk yields ~200 pounds of meat. Last time I bought ground beef it was on sale for 2 bucks a pound. I am no expert but 85 bucks a year for 200 pounds of meat is better than 200 pounds at 2 bucks a pound.
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Jul 21, 2019
I have 2 single moms working for me and neither of their exes pay a cent. But the Exes drive nice trucks and live in nice places. 98% of the time when a man is behind, it isn’t because he can’t afford it. I support this law.
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