USPS ground

Nov 28, 2017
Be cautious of saving a few dollers shipping ground,it says it’s close in the delivery time but in the last two months I have had 4 claims,one being totally lost and the others taking 2 weeks to a month.
A few were delivered on time.
Be cautious on what you ship,i shipped a weapon light that was 149.00.
USPS wanted receipts even though it was insured for 100 and now wants to only pay 44.00.
Federal criminals or fraud if you ask me but what do you do.Its just luck of odds and even my post master said there no one being held accountable anymore especially at certain facilities.
I once had a disgruntled postal employee tell me at the counter, that usps employees purposely mishandle ground packages as opposed to priority.
Good luck with claims. They make it as difficult as possible hoping you just give up. It’s ridiculous.
Eff the USPS. How is a government service allowed to unionize? How is a GOVERNMENT service allowed to openly support political candidates? The same service that is now trusted to deliver ballots in many states. Complete BS

Sorry for the rant, I got triggered 😅
The Denver regional facility is the worst. I had a set of documents that I sent out in early December just arrive at it's desitnation a week ago and my February rent check that I sent a week early arrived 3 days ago.
USPS is pitiful. I see my carrier several times a week, and they are always changing, along with thier unmarked cars. Got a Registered, Certified ( that means they are supposed to check ID to make sure it is who addressed (spouse ain’t good enough) just dropped in the mailbox. Pitiful, I tell you!
Well now we’re usps bashing.. lemme tell you!

I live in rural foothills Colorado.

I had a $1000 AR upper shipped to me, usps.
We have lockable package boxes, up at our regular mail box.

Freakin guy leaves the upper (in a box) just laying on the ground, under the damn package lock box.

I couldn’t even understand, I even verified the box fit.

Probably 3 or 4 more similar examples but that one was ridiculous.
Similarly, new guys all the time in sketchy gmc jimmys or old school suburbans.
I've had 2 capes that i sold on that were ruined. I had insurance and priority shipping on both. One was going to Ohio and one to Wisconsin the one spent 5 weeks in a distribution center in Indianapolis according to the tracking number 6 weeks total delivery. The taxidermist that received it said it was rancid as hell and took pictures which I presented for insurance purposes it was rejected. I then had the local postmaster help me submit it again, lack adequate proof again. The 3rd time I appealed again rejected again, lack of timely filing. The 2nd was much the same although it only took 3 weeks to go to Ohio it was also ruined rejected on the insurance claim I didn't appeal the verdict this time pretty simple the insurance you buy is worthless because they won't pay.
Denver USPS stole my $975 proof prefit barrel I sent back to Altus. Altus told me I was SOL and USPS did to. $975 down the drain.
Eff the USPS. How is a government service allowed to unionize? How is a GOVERNMENT service allowed to openly support political candidates? The same service that is now trusted to deliver ballots in many states. Complete BS

Sorry for the rant, I got triggered 😅
I get all my neighbor's mail quite frequently. Just Saturday got three pieces in the box, and all were theirs that I walked down to them. Makes me wonder where our mail is going because nobody ever brings us our stuff. We go days sometimes without any mail at all. Historically we ALWAYS have gotten some sort of mail every single delivery day. I don't mind diminished quantity of mail, as most of it is junk, but I do want all our financial stuff. One of the neighbor's pieces was new property tax documents. Haven't gotten ours yet, or any of our regular tax prep documents either.
You can sign up for USPS Informed Delivery. A free service. You will get a daily email with an image of each letter you will receive in the mail that day. I have found it to be 95%+ accurate.
We have had numerous bad episodes with USPS in the last year. Letters not showing up at destination, others taking 1 month plus to find their destination, etc. We have a lock box up the road from us and I will not put outgoing mail in there anymore. I have to take everything to the post office.
As ridiculous as this sounds....a friend of mine is a local Postmaster. He had 2 employees who committed 3 mail related FELONIES each. USPS would not let him fire them, due to union grievances, etc. Tried to fire them after the first felonies, no go. Tried again after 2nd felonies....nope. After the 3rd felonies were committed and charged, he changed locations. The two employees in question have been charged, but nothing more. After 5 years, they are still working.
it seems you can't ship with anyone and think you'll get your product. I just ordered 4 dozen arrows and 2 dozen showed up and the box had been opened and the top of the round tube had been removed and didn't even re-tape it. shipping now you should insure everything for 3 times the cost of what your shipping, if everyone does this and we hit them where it hurts they might start what people a little closer.