Using onX Maps Offline


Dec 12, 2014
Just want to make sure I understand the way this works before venturing out away from cell coverage.

With my phone connected to wifi at home, I tapped the "off-grid" tab and tapped "Save New Map". This brings up the option to save a 5-mile-wide, 10-mile-wide or 100-mile-wide map. I choose "5 mile wide", then position the map to my satisfaction within the red border, then tap "save". This produces a green rectangle in the main app window, representing the perimeter of my saved map.

If I repeat this process, I can create another map adjacent to the one previously stored. The result is two separate maps available for offline use. But here's my question: when I'm out in the field away from cell coverage, can I load more than one of these maps simultaneously, so I don't have to toggle back and forth between them to scan a broader area? I like the resolution of the 5-mile map (highest res option), but it limits the amount of acreage I can store in one map.

Can someone elaborate in this for me? Thanks for your help.
Yes, when you go to offline mode, the saved maps will display. I have 4 high res maps that cover my elk spot. They all show up when in off grid mode

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Titan_Bow, do all four maps show up at the same time seamlessly, such that you can scroll across the adjacent map perimeters without seeing a weird break in the image?
Titan_Bow, do all four maps show up at the same time seamlessly, such that you can scroll across the adjacent map perimeters without seeing a weird break in the image?

All of your maps will be accessible simultaneously, no weird breaks. In fact, onxmaps even caches limited details outside of the selected area I've found. But if you do several areas just barely overlapping, you'll have full detail seamlessly across all of them. Just make sure to choose the 'go offline' option so that the system doesn't try to pull them from the internet and more quickly defaults to its cached maps.

I really hope onx supports the ability to cache larger areas in high detail. Or even support custom sized areas. It's a huge hassle to create multiple areas, since you have to do one at a time and wait for them to download. I was in a hotel in between my plan A and plan B and had to download maps for a new area and it was a pain in the ass.
I just tried putting my phone on airplane mode, restarting the phone, then opening onX. The green box outlining my offline map is clearly shown, but none of the layer info (including topo and aerial imagery) is shown. If I zoom in, it's just a blurry mess of gray and black. Will I need to reinstall the app?
The app needs to be "offline" and being in a hotel, your current location is not in an area covered by those offline maps so you'll see a grey background. I always create a waypoint within the offline area prior so I can use that to check
The gray background is everywhere, including where my offline map is. I was expecting no imagery or related data outside of my offline map area, but anticipated full usable information within my offline map.

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I tried uninstalling and reinstalling this app. It's still not working. I'm terribly late to be testing this now. I leave for Montana tomorrow. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S7. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do to get this app running correctly?

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I tried uninstalling and reinstalling this app. It's still not working. I'm terribly late to be testing this now. I leave for Montana tomorrow. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S7. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do to get this app running correctly?

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Yes the s7, a love hate with me. The last few android versions allow the sd card and internal memory to work together. Essentially your 32gig internal and let's say you have a 32 gig card are to be treated the same as one 64 gig of storage. Here is where it gets tricky, Samsung didn't adopt this in the s7. If you have an sd card clean it out along with your internal memory. You may be experiencing fragmentation and the app can't store properly.

If you do use an sd card properly remove it, several of my past Samsung phones had issues from the sd card. It would cause the phone to not properly read it's internal memory. If not you might still have memory issues. Delete anything you don't need for this hunt. Then try the following, I did this a lot with android.
Wipe cache partition: Samsung Galaxy S7 edge | T-Mobile Support. Uninstall onX first then do the wipe and reinstall onX. Basically this thoroughly wipes your entire phones cache. Once done you will still have all your accounts synced, its not a factory reset.

I hope this helps, I hate last minute problems. Good luck on your hunt!
My off line maps weren't working, so i emailed them. They replied something to the effect of "we are aware of the issue and are working on it"... No suggestions to fix. I don't know if they did something for me on there end or not. But then suddenly it started working for me. So maybe shoot them an email?
Yes the s7, a love hate with me. The last few android versions allow the sd card and internal memory to work together. Essentially your 32gig internal and let's say you have a 32 gig card are to be treated the same as one 64 gig of storage. Here is where it gets tricky, Samsung didn't adopt this in the s7. If you have an sd card clean it out along with your internal memory. You may be experiencing fragmentation and the app can't store properly.

If you do use an sd card properly remove it, several of my past Samsung phones had issues from the sd card. It would cause the phone to not properly read it's internal memory. If not you might still have memory issues. Delete anything you don't need for this hunt. Then try the following, I did this a lot with android.
Wipe cache partition: Samsung Galaxy S7 edge | T-Mobile Support. Uninstall onX first then do the wipe and reinstall onX. Basically this thoroughly wipes your entire phones cache. Once done you will still have all your accounts synced, its not a factory reset.

I hope this helps, I hate last minute problems. Good luck on your hunt!
Man, thanks for taking the time to post those steps. Unfortunately it hasn't done the trick. The result is unchanged. I saw a phone number for onX listed in one of the negative reviews of the app. Maybe I'll give that a try if I can find it again. It's now or never.

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Here's what it looks like.

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I was having issues with the map layers. Looking at the FAQ I discovered I did not have the current update. The instructions said to log off and then log back on.

It seemed to clear up the issues I was having, worth a try maybe.
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Here's what it looks like.
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Are you clicking the "Go Offline" button after clicking on the off-grid tab when you see that gray screen? What resolution did you save the maps at? Try different zoom levels inside the area you saved to see if that prompts the map to show up.

If none of this works and you haven't tried it already, try uninstalling the app, restarting the phone, then reinstalling the app. You might have to re-download the saved area if you do that, but it's worth a shot if nothing else is working.