Upland in Alaska


Oct 8, 2018
Does anyone have any experience hunting upland birds in AK? I'm curious of anyone has experience hunting with dogs in particular. I'm moving to Fairbanks next year, and I'm worried about running around in the bear woods with my dog. Not worried for my sake, but for the dogs.

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Feb 11, 2019
Check out this link. You may want to join this forum in order to message other bird dog guys across the state.

Alaska Gun Dog Forum

I've hunted behind my friend's dd's in Fairbanks had a good time. I don't think he every had problems with bears.


Nov 12, 2017
I grouse hunt and trout fish with my dog in pretty thick Alaska bear country and don’t have any issue. He stays within eye sight and that’s about all I can ask for. We’ve had several run ins with Black Bears including a sow with cubs at about 50 yards last year - all just growling and staring contests by both parties until the bears move off. My dog seems to have a good idea about not getting in to a mix with them so I’m not too worried about it anymore. Good extra set of eyes and a better nose and ears than me, I’m happy to have him along.
Oct 3, 2017
Anchorage, AK
I'm in Anchorage and am a member of the Alaska-Yukon NAVHDA chapter. We have some incredible upland bird hunting throughout the state. Ptarmigan are a riot with seasons most places in the state starting 8/1 and running through the end of March the following year. The nice thing with winter ptarmigan hunting you really don't have to be concerned about bears as they're denned up. That being said, my dog has never had an issue with bears and I've even trained her to warn me quietly if she thinks a grizzly or moose is nearby. She just comes to heel and gives a low "gruff" looking in the direction she thinks it is until I acknowledge her and tell her to relax. That has come in handy a lot as I tend to fish smaller salmon streams in the middle of the night by myself throughout the summer.

Good luck on the move up! What kind of dog do you have?


Oct 8, 2018
I'm in Anchorage and am a member of the Alaska-Yukon NAVHDA chapter. We have some incredible upland bird hunting throughout the state. Ptarmigan are a riot with seasons most places in the state starting 8/1 and running through the end of March the following year. The nice thing with winter ptarmigan hunting you really don't have to be concerned about bears as they're denned up. That being said, my dog has never had an issue with bears and I've even trained her to warn me quietly if she thinks a grizzly or moose is nearby. She just comes to heel and gives a low "gruff" looking in the direction she thinks it is until I acknowledge her and tell her to relax. That has come in handy a lot as I tend to fish smaller salmon streams in the middle of the night by myself throughout the summer.

Good luck on the move up! What kind of dog do you have?
I've got a 7 month old pudelpointer. I'll be running him in NA in the spring. I appreciate all the information. I'm looking forward to the move.

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Oct 3, 2017
Anchorage, AK
Aha! A man of good taste! I've got a 2yo female PP from Cedarwood's. Great breed for Alaska.

I'm the secretary for Alaska-Yukon NAVHDA, you should join our Facebook group. There are a few active NAVHDA members in Fairbanks. Most of our chapters activity is in the Anchorage area though. Let me know when you get up here and we'll have to meet up sometime. We've got about 8 active PPs in our chapter right now.
Mar 25, 2019
Pendleton, Or
I spend summers out in Bristol Bay guiding. My two shorthairs spend the summer at the lodge. The only real concern I’ve had is kenneling the dogs.
We see grizzly almost every day. The dogs alert, the bears keep their distance or quickly move on. Over 20 years the dogs I’ve had have saved my butt several times by alerting on bears.
I don’t let them chase the bears, I don’t leash them either, keep them close seems to work just fine.
Ptarmigan and grouse will keep you busy.