Upgrading / maximizing optics setup

Jul 6, 2019
High Seas...sometimes with rum
Use case scenario in this is for deer and elk;

Currently I have:

Swaro 15x56
Swaro 10x50
Leupold SX2 80mm

Rough total weight of them all combined is about 9.5#.

If I'm elk hunting, I'll usually just have the 10s and 15s with me; come deer season I'll carry all 3.

What I'm considering is:

-Keep everything the same and just upgrade my Leupold to a Swaro STX85mm

-Sell the 15's and upgrade to the Swaro BTX85/90mm, and basically just run binos/spotter across all hunts

Just running the binos/BTX would save me 1# from carrying all 3, but I care more about performance and being able to see than the weight.

Main question I suppose would be: what do I truly give up going from 10s+15s+Spotter to BTX90mm+10s?
-"Keep everything the same and just upgrade my Leupold to a Swaro STX85mm"

Yes do that, read on if you want.

Elk: For rifle elk, I find them easy to spot with a pair of 10s, and then I use a STX+85mm to check if there are any bulls, and if they are worth chasing. So for a big, critter that sticks out, in my view no need to carry more than you need in terms of binos, but a decent spotter to decide if the bull is worth chasing is key.

Deer: Having more field of view helps you find them fast, so 15s or 14s is worth it, but again I am just using the spotter to quickly decide if the deer is worth chasing and then back to the binos, which are the real work horse in my view on a deer hunt.

My optimal set up for what I chase most years: 10s, 14s, and STX-85mm. Plus the STX is going to let you car scroll if you get a chance to chase antelope. I would go with an STX over the BTX, I have both but if I could only have one, STX, more use cases.
I did exactly that…switched from 10x/15x/82mm to 10x/85mmBTX. It’s not perfect, but I definitely find more game and at longer distances with the BTX. The BTX is a bulky boat anchor in my pack, but I never leave it in the pickup…even when hunting out of a backpack or in heavy timber.

If I had to do it over, I would probably look at 8.5x and STC big eyes. The big eyes would be a little smaller and having adjustable magnification would be really nice! I am not one of the lucky ones that can effectively glass with 1 eye through a traditional spotter, so big eyes or a BTX are the best option for me.
Minus the Leupold I've had every optic mentioned so far in this thread. The place I ended up is nl 12s and a kowa 88s. The 88 is better than the 85 optically. Has a better field of view is lighter and cheaper. The 2 than l things that matter the most comparing them is the increased stability of the lighter scope gives a much more usable image and the better focus of the kowa provides a better image. It's hard to get a perfect focus with the swaro and often times you don't realize what your missing. I really enjoyed the BTX but the amount of situations where I'd actually use it were pretty limited.
I’d keep the binos and upgrade the spotter. If you go the ATX route you can add the BTX. The BTX is super specialized; if it were a zoom it would be the greatest piece ever made, but as is, not always perfect.
This year I plan on el range 8x32s, nl 14s, and I’ll pack my stc. The 95 has been relegated to shorter trips and truck work

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