Upgrade from Conquest HD to Swarovski EL worth it?


Feb 11, 2024
New Zealand
I have been really happy with the Zeiss conquest HD 10x42 over the years. How much of an improvement would the Swarovski EL 10x42 bring to the table? I’m looking for honest feedback from people who used both or even better had them back to back. I have been doing a lot of reading however people who upgrade usually rave about their new purchase, I don’t blame them, hard not to after you spend thousand extra… I had the conquest on the field back to back with some Vortex Diamondback and fury 5000 the difference was night and day. Would it be the same step up between the conquest and the Swaro?
Everyone’s eyes are different and we all have a preference on which color rendition we prefer from each manufacturer. That being said I have had Zeiss SF, Swaro SLC and EL and most recently the Zeiss Conquests. I have discovered that my eyes prefer the Zeiss glass. I sold my ELs and went to the Conquests. Yes there is a notable difference in glass quality. The view is very crisp and pops with the ELs but I am sensitive to rolling ball and it was just too much for me. Also for me, I couldn’t make the performance/value equation pencil out. The Conquest’s are really nice binos. No they are not Swaros but I am not a full time professional hunter either. They work awesome and provide the performance and value I am looking for. I certainly don’t feel handicapped having the Conquests vs having a pair of Swaros around my neck.

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I tried out Swarovski ELs, NL Pure and Zeiss at Scheels and to me my eyes preferred the Zeiss so I have Victory SF 8x32’s on the way and will have them next week. I think it is best to go to a place like Scheels and try them all out.
Just to clarify my previous post the Zeiss I tried were the SFL 10x40 and they were really nice. The only reason I bought the Victory’s was I got them used for a slightly lower price than the SFL.
Thanks for the replies, I tried some Swaro EL back to back with my Conquest at the shop but couldn’t rely tell much, too sunny, too much light. A test in the field would be ideal I guess