Updating your optics system to include image stabilized binoculars - share what you are using and for what type of hunts


Jul 2, 2018
Well, after spending an afternoon looking through Sig Zulu6 HDX side by side with NL pure binoculars, I have decided to go all in on image stabilizing binos. Hand held, these things are game changers and outclassed everything. Taking out all those micro vibrations make such a huge difference in my ability to resolve detail.

I have ordered a 16x42 and a 10x30 Zulu6.
I’m looking at the Kite 18x50s for a long distance binocular from the truck as well, but I don’t see a way to affix them to a tripod. I know what your thinking, why not use regular binoculars if your glassing off a tripod? Well, even off a tripod, you often get a small amount of vibration if there is any wind. Which, for where I hunt, is always.

The big question for me is, how to incorporate these into what I already have.

I hunt out west in very open country for the main three, mule deer, elk, and pronghorn.

My glassing set up was:
Zeiss victory sf 8x32
Swarovski 15x56 on a tripod
Swaro BTX/ATX - depending on the type of hunt.
Revic BR4 rangefinder
Leica 3000b rangefinders usually go with me as a back up in case something happens to my BR4, but usually don’t leave the truck.

My new set up:
Zulu6 10x30 on my chest.
Debating if I keep the 15x56 Swaros or go to the 18x50 Kite image stabilized binoculars.

My wife has laid claim to the 16x42 Zulu 6, but if I’m hunting by myself these will be coming with me also. Maybe something like this:
Zulu 10x and 16x
Swaro spotter.

I was going to get the new 14x52 NL Pures, or a pair of 18x56, but I just don’t see a place for them anymore.
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Jul 2, 2018
I have a 10x42 NL Pure that I don’t want to get rid of. These things are amazing optically, but I don’t know where I will use them anymore?


Jun 14, 2022
The big question for me is, how to incorporate these into what I already have.

That's a good question!

I had the non-HDX 10x30 and non-HDX 16x42 in 2022, and later tried the new 16x42 HDX. The IS and weight are excellent. They are awesome for casual viewing, kids and seniors, or scanning on the move. I would highly recommend them for that use.

For "glassing" or picking apart a landscape, I would rather have your 15x56 SLC. I have the 15x50 Canon now, as I missed the IS after selling the SIGs, but I wanted a bit better optical quality. Weight wasn't a concern (Canon is bigger and heavier), and I wasn't planning to scan while moving. So different tradeoffs.

The IS binocs really require careful thought, as the pros and cons in actual use can be a bit harder to evaluate!
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Southern Lights

Feb 28, 2017
I have sometimes taken my Canon 15x50 IS binos vs. a spotter. The human brain works better using two eyes vs. one. Although image stabilized binos may have smaller mag, they can often work better than higher mag spotters simply because they are more comfortable to use with both eyes.


Jul 2, 2018
Well I spent the day comparing the 12x and 16x Zulu6 against my Swaro 15s and a Vortex razor uhd 18x mounted to a tripod.

I actually liked the 12x better than the 16x. The larger exit pupil I think made a difference in ease of view. The Zulu6 had less contrast and color saturation compared to the Swaro, but the optics were still quite good. Comparing road signs at over a mile I was able to make out the same details with the 16x Zulu as the 15x Swaro. This was in mid day glassing from shade to full sun with minimal mirage, so optimal conditions.

The Razor UHD was impressive in regards to resolution. I looked to be equal to the Swaro in that regard. However, very annoyingly, the diopter setting seemed to shift ever so slightly as the focus wheel was turned. The diopter ring is locking, so it did not physically move, but the focus of the right barrel was definitely not in sync with the left. I also noticed slight color fringing on dark trees across a mountain ridge that was not in the Swaro 15s.

I think instead of the 30x Zulu6, I’m going to go with the 12x for the larger exit pupil despite the narrower field of view.

So I’m now thinking for a full load out, depending on the hunt.

10x42 NL pure mounted to a tripod for shorter range long glassing sessions across canyons.

12x Zulu6 for handheld and quick spotting.

15x56 SLC for longer range glassing

Swaro ATX/BTX as a spotter.

For lightweight setup.

12x Zulu6